3.0 Sorcery Megathread

I’ve been pouring over everything I can on this latest update. One of the sorcerers we have to fight in the event is a Hyperborean.

The ONLY named Hyperborean in the entire game.

What does this have to do with anything?

Hyperborea is a land of mystery, barely touched by REH himself. A legendary place, originating from Greek mythology. A land far beyond the north winds, a paradise of sorts. Men there are unmarked by age or disease. A land rich with magic, and strange and terrible gods.

Even though Howard did not write much of it, his personal friend Clark Ashton Smith (Klarkash-Ton, as written by Lovecraft) did write so much more. The Hyperborean Cycle was published right around the same time as the Hyborian age was taking off. Some, including famed publisher and author Lin Carter suspect many of Howard’s work to create his Age were inspired by Smith’s Cycle. The very first Hyperborean Cycle story went public merely a year before the first Conan story graced the world.

Much of the land is cast in the shadow of the mighty four-peaked volcano, Mount Voormithadreth. On the slopes of the volcano lives the sorcerer Ezdagor. The volcano is also infested with primitive man-beasts named the Voormis, who worship a far more terrible entity. Tsathoggua, the slothful elder god who lies underneath the volcano, waiting to be fed offerings. You can find his Emissary in the game already.

Even deeper below, the spider-god Atlach-Nacha makes his web. Weaving bridges and crossings over an endless pit for all eternity. His Emissary is also present.

Across his pit and further down, another sorcerer dwells. Haon-Dor. Sensing a strong pattern here in terms of connections..

Even further down, the serpent-men live. There is still even older, more indescribable entities and horrors that go further than that, but so far those are not present in the game. This only covers five of the Seven Geases, which is by far the most hilarious story in this shared universe.

All these connections are tied to the Votaries of Skelos, which is the faction all these new sorcerers are a part of.

So what does this mean? Sorcery, probably. More Hyperborean stuff coming.