30 Day structure refresh needed for Official PVE Servers

No, it wouldn’t, and I’m pretty sure I didn’t imply that. On the other hand, why make it even easier on these people to maintain their crap with negligible effort?

The whole point of my reply – the one you quoted – was to show that it’s not just “boohoo land claimed”, that there are real problems with claiming land and then just keeping it like that without consequences.

Incidentally, that kind of belittling is what really gets on my nerves on these forums. Is it really too much effort to discuss these things without calling people names? Doing it in a subtly underhanded manner doesn’t make it any better :confused:

Look, I know you know what my position is, because I remember replying directly to you – on another thread – that I believe that the PVE claim system is broken:

As long as the PVE claim system isn’t “fixed” – and I doubt Funcom sees any need to fix it, so that’ll probably be forever – increasing the maximum decay timer will just exacerbate the problems.

If the decay timer is 7 days, there’s always a chance one of these jerks will fail to refresh their crap on time and we’ll be able to demolish it. If it’s shorter, that chance increases. If it’s longer, that chance decreases.

Am I advocating for shorter timers? No. I’m just against making them unnecessarily long. :man_shrugging:

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