Game mode: [Online | Multiplayer]
Problem: [multi Crash | Multi Bug]
Region: [Greece]
Clan: The immortals
Gametag: Undeadgreek82
An upgrade came,
Here in Greece I don’t have the best speed so it took me 1 day to download the patch.
I enter the next day happy about playing my favorite game , I quit elder scrolls online after 5 years to participate this one,
Loading up in my room between my bed and a chest. Pic them up I managed to get out. Place everything back in order and check my inv. At that point I had lost 1 axe of the lion a full set of flawless Pictish the axe the fletchering one the last breath of the red mother torch and my black blood tools and more items.
Nothing stop me there I put my second armor took the second axe of the lion cry a little for the rest of the items i lost.
The day I was missing the server restart and I died in my room from temperature. Everything was ok and the temperature is just fine.
Starting again after the big disaster I decided to finish the story line and take out my bracelet and start a new character. I place everything with the support of my clan I start the journey. It didn’t took a lot. I prepared my departure and the new character would have a thrall waiting for me with my friend. Start lvling up and decide to get inside a dungeon. And then I saw again the video of me getting out of the exiles land loosing 1 more axe of the lion and one more full set of a flawless Pictish set and more items.
How I feel…
After the upgrade one of our outpost was demolished…
So I am really really deeply sad.
Sould I make a new character should I delete the game? Is there a way to get all my things back?
I really support your work guys and I understand everything you do and all your efforts is more than welcome the game is much better every time. But from the day one I play this game. Help me please. It’s just too much. I have never complained about anything I lost but this time I’m so sad of all the time I spend farming the items I lost twice in a day and not by my mistake.
Please help me, please @Hugo