I started a new single player, vanilla, game in testlive and set up on Iron Breaker Ridge next to Sepermeru. This is my favorite place to build my base. While searching the city for a taskmaster to knock out to be my first npc exile on a wheel of pain I came across a female Stygian Master Taskmaster that aggro’d on me at first sight. What was odd is that she was wandering the city alone and her health was already down by about 60%. Her consciousness bar (the blue bar) was also down by about 75-80%. I have never seen a taskmaster wandering Sep City alone before. Was this a very fortunate glitch or intended? I wonder.
Random encounters like that give the game “life.” I wish there were more of them. Unfortunately, I think its an unintended bug where some of the inhabitants are being ‘hostile’ to one another.
There are still some hateful NPCs in Sepermeru and in the volcano.
Every time I see Kisthis Fleshtearer, he murders his fellas.
Yeah, I’ve seen a few sets of thralls murdering each other up at the volcano - guess the heat just makes them tetchy
I just had the same type of thing occur in the Sep City prison today. All the npc’s in the area were late in spawning in and then did so one at a time. Then I noticed a Prisoner walk out of the prison and around to the back where the entrance/exit to the city is. Like the taskmaster his health and consciousness bar were both significantly depleted.
Perhaps it has something to do with memory or other resources getting low on my PC?
This is the hate list not working correctly and has been reported for months in Set City but alast we still await a fix for it.
Perhaps. What was weird is that in both instances all the other NPC’s were in their respective spawn locations. I.e. these two instances spawned an extra NPC. The taskmaster was in the taskmaster spawn spot and at full health and consciousness as were all 4 Prisoners. The 2 oddity spawns were extra and wandering. Never have I seen a Taskmaster or a Prisoner wandering about Sepermeru.
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