A Warm & Humble Tribute

:rose: I happened upon this on Twitter this morning as I was making my way to the forum. For those who did not know, as the tweet says one of our fellow Exiles…“is no longer fighting beside us”. Just wanted to share the link (below), shout out a quick thankyou to Funcom for this kind gesture and lovely tribute, and most importantly, while I did not know Rambi Chan myself, I would like to offer my sincere and heartfelt condolences to all of his family and loved ones. :candle:

Rest In Peace Rambi. :heart:


Seems that he/she removed his bracelet in the end, and now he/she is free from these lands.

Rest in Power Rambi.


There are so many questions running through my head, like how, how old was he or she, why etc… All of them however are useless, because no matter the answers our fellow exile ain’t going to return. No parent should loose a child, in the unfair meter this is the number one. My greatest condolences to this fellow parents and to all the others close to this person. Yesterday I lost one uncle, I loved him a lot so my pain is great, but I would trade 1.000 this pain and still the pain of these parents wouldn’t match. So farewell fellow exile, I hope you’ll find the gates of your paradise open :pensive:.

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Our sincerest condolences go out to you and yours. Thank you Croms Faithful for bringing this to our attention. Despite some of our differences this is still a Family as Far as I am concerned. Everyone please be safe.


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