About the Suggestions category -

The drawbridge really needs to be reworked. Not in its function, but in its aesthetics. In it’s current appearance, it looks to be crafted by amateurs, not a master - which you need to be.



You guys should make and alarm, i know there is a horn but its not that loud, maybe you could make another horn that alerts other clan members, npcs, etc. Puts the npcs into a combat stance or an alert stance. Also you guys should make like different archer stands, fighter positions, or maybe a barracks? store swords, daggers, bows, hammers, etc or maybe an archer tower? Thats about all i got thanks!


Any hope of an option to outfit your craftsmen? Warriors, dancers, and others that are placed in the world can be, I’m just feeling as though everyone should change out of those rags.

Oh, and on the XBOX version, equiping main and off-hand weaponry for combat thralls is not possible, they eventually will do so themselves, but other times resort to only their fists.


Please add a waiting list mechanism for joining busy servers!

I’m sure everyone that isn’t playing only on their private server has experienced the frustration of wanting to progress your game in a specific server but the server is full, leaving you to either be forced to start a new game, or sit there in the lobby and spam the ‘join server’ button for a long while until you catch a free slot.
This is especially unfair to those who made a significant progress in a server and can’t manage to get in due to players starting a new game on it (who could’ve otherwise just started their new game on a less busy server).

Adding a waiting list mechanics (which alt-tabs you automatically into the game when you begin loading in) would take away the frustration of having to spam to get into your desired server and also end up distributing players more evenly across servers (if you also display the servers’ average waiting list sizes to the players).

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Yes pls add this. From 2 o’clock I tried logging in. No chance!

I would also like to equip thralls with water orbs so they can dinstinguish fire that would be a nice counter against orb raiders.


Bow distance needs to be increased. As an archer (Me personally, not my character) I can tell you real war bows have a much greater distance than most would realize. The “Arch you’re bows for greater distance” isn’t historically accurate.

I feel as though the Purge should be random, much like the sandstorms. Being in singleplayer, I’ve only ever encountered a single one; seeing as how it resets after you exit the game.

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awesome ! the game is out, we’re on 1.0.0, it’s “finished”

now i love the game, i play it a lot singleplayer, but there’s a few things that i noticed that in my opinion should have been “fixed” on release.

The wheel of pain still displays just a man no matter what you put in it, it takes me out of the game every time.

tamed thralls can’t be renamed and their behavior is rather lackluster as of now, they don’t attack enemies until they actually hurt you, they un-equip their weapons after combat, putting in shields before weapons makes the thrall un-equip both, and you can only take 1, which for singleplayer isn’t enough (i haven’t actually checked if this can be changed in the server menu), certainly not enough to defeat abyssal remnants

The spawns in camps and natural spawns feel mechanic, it’s always the same, which can be nice, but it gets rather stupid when it comes to camps, all i have to do is look away when i look back the entire previously completely murdered camp is back.

The enemy AI is wonky as well, like aggression triggering range or spawning animations are bothersome.

these are just a few complaints, i tell you the positives far outweigh the negatives for me for sure and i love this game with a burning passion, and i feel it’s so close to being an unbelievably good (perfect for me personally) survival game, and it’s grown from a admitted mess to such an incredible game, good job and keep it up !

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Creo que tienen que crear el menú de acceso rápido como el de ARK, me parece mucho mejor y más rápido.

Es necesario poder crear alianzas para poder diferenciar al enemigo de los aliados. También veo necesario que el nombre del jugador que esté cerca de nosotros aparezca a cierta distancia, no cuando estemos matandonos, ya que nos pasado hasta entre los mismos integrantes del clan, que al no ver los nombres hasta que no estamos totalmente pegados al personaje … Nos hemos llegado a confundir entre nosotros y nos hemos partido la cara entre todos sin querer hacerlo.

Tenemos varios problemas con nuestros esclavos:

1- No regenerar sus propios puntos de vitalidad
2- Si le das la opción de seguir … mueren, no sé cual es la explicación para este problema, pero ya me ha pasado con 3 esclavos.
3- Cuando los estás capturando y consigues dejarlos inconscientes, desaparecen o se los traga la tierra.

Espero que estos problemas se solucionen de manera rápida, porque es una verdadera pena que este juego tenga estos errores.

Un saludo

Tenemos un problema para acceder a los servidores, en mi clan somos 10 personas y nunca podemos jugar todos juntos.

Creo que es necesario subir el número de jugadores en el servidor, tener una cola de espera para entrar al servidor y expulsar a los jugadores que permanezcan inactivos.

Un saludo

I Love your game and I’m really optimistic about what will happen in the future.
But I think some weapons need to be improved and these are my suggestions:

  1. Throwing weapons:
    A true barbarian must always have a throwing axe (or a javelin) in his belt …
    The fact is that if you want to use more than one, after each throw you have to open your inventory, drag the object in question to your hot bar, close the inventary , equip the axe and then you’re ready to throw it.
    Isn’t it a bit too frustrating ?
    I mean , in fight you don’t have all this time even if you are really quick.
    So it would be nice to see an auto replacement for that kind of weapons.

  2. Two-handed hammers:
    I tried every kind of weapons in pvp and pve fights and the two-handed hammer seems less viable than the other weapons.
    His debuff and damage are good in pve couse you can easily stunlock your enemies and keep doing the full combo but you can’t do the same in pvp (for fair reasons, of course).
    i feel that it needs some improvements for sure but i didn’t used it that much to suggest something.

  3. Shields:
    Im a real fan of shields but they are a bit odd to use, sometimes they block the damage , sometimes they don’t…
    The hitboxes of this ones have to be adjusted.
    The time of stun/knockback when you parry an attack must be longer, at least to let you attack with a light hit.
    When you get kicked while your shield is up, the recovery time must be longer.
    You could do a shield bash to knockback the opponent.

That’s all for now, thanks for the time you’ve spent to read this. :heart:
Cheers :sunglasses:


To make the game more immerse it would be nice to keep the dirt or blood on character and having to use the water to clean it off, also if possible to use the mud as camo to make player invisible at night to npc or beast. I would also love to see fur clothing more in the game along with fur cloaks. As for followers i would like to see them have an option for immortality and placing them in furniture as well or more commands, also would like to see customize follower appearance as well. REcreate character is kinda pointless which needs to be fixed starting from scratch is kinda b.s i understand there’s cheats to help but the work i put into the world is worthless after Recreate. I would also love to see different character Slots for the soloplay, that way i can playout different scenarios, would like them to be connected in the same world if possible.

Thank You for Reading my comments love the great work you guys do for gaming community please dont turn into Bethesda they dropped the ball please keep doing what you guys are doing.


It would be absolutely amazing if there were racial bonuses. I feel it would add a deeper level of immersion to the game as a whole. If I were to play a Stygian, it would make sense for them to have some sort of heat resistance and or be able to use less resources for crafting furniture. Another example would be that Cimmerians be resistant to cold and would need to use less steel when crafting, since they were known for their steel work.
It would show the adaptive nature for all the individual races and allow for even deeper role playing and character immersion.
I personally believe, that there should be 3 passives, and those are:
1:A temperature passive; either being slightly heat or cold resistant. (The races from tropical jungles should have heat resistance)
2: Recourse passive: each race should have a bonus to where they either harvest more of/ or use less of a certain recourse.
3: Weapon proficiency: whether it be a particular weapon (like, sword, bow, etc.) Or a particular matieral weapon up to steel (starmetal would be overpowered)
I understand why there are no racial bonuses. People can look like they want and not feel pressured to be a certain race for a playstyle or making meta characters to “be the best”. My issue is that in all actually they are different. Hyborians and Shemites for example have different cultural advantages and disadvantages and those things don’t suddenly disappear just because you were thrown into the exile lands and left for dead.
For me, I would like to play a Hyrkanian if they were more proficient with bows, but because the fact that they aren’t, I will always pick a Hyborian, simply because they share the most cultural similarities to my own heritage.
I have 0 reason to play any other race, and I think it would be highly beneficial to the player base if they had a reason to play a certain race. I know for me it would definetley make me try something new. Until that day, people like me and my friends that play, have always, and probably will just keep making the same race and character over until we get to where there’s nothing left.


Hi, I just started playing Exiles on my xbox.
Quicly you get thirsty & hungry, I found the water so I can drink but I cant find any insects in my inventory even though I pick up alot of them.
This causes me to die from hunger really fast… Am I doing something wrong? or is this a bug in the game?

They auto equip to your action bar by default

Feedback: Great game I absolutely love it. I’m playing on a ps4 console. I see no issues with how the game is designed.
Suggestion: Ignore the consumers that always find something to complain about. Focus on fixing current issues that are there. Don’t add any more content till problems are fixed that way your not piling on more work than needs to be there, in other words don’t be like certain companies that try to hide problems with something shiny and new!
Thank you for the game.
From a true gamer not a consumer! Have a nice day!


The siege cauldrons need to be more versatile. Having them more akin to the orbs than simply trickling down the side of a sheen wall.