Add Heroes of ice, fire, lightning, poison

Adding “heroes” to the game that were harder to capture than a T4, but were super differentiated visually and in behavior just as the “dancer” behaves differently when tamed, for example the “Lightning Hero” would boast. their lightning power and each hero category would have their animation referring to their power, would be visually beautiful and their use in “wars” would be incredible, infinite possibility.
Have you ever imagined a series of “bigger, stronger, prettier” heroes and be created several “categories” for example “Fire Hero”, “Ice Hero”, “Electric Hero”, “Poison Hero”, “Shadow Hero” , “Hero of the Light” that would be a true revolution in the game and I and I would all collect ALL!
Even the next DLCs could contain, in addition to the usual items it always has, special skins for heroes, armor and weapons specific only to heroes slaves, as they would be “big” not as big as the clear ice giant, but slightly larger than ordinary slaves, such as those who already exist in the “nameless city” and could only wear the armor and weapons, staffs … that would not change the “power” or “protection” only the look of heroes and agent could go “matching” pieces as we do with the common armor to assemble their look of our choice, or not put any armor and leave them naked, we can not escape it lol, I would definitely buy all DLCs with these heroes armor , especially if they were very “flashy” and full of light gold, more so than for the building blocks and ordinary weapons and armor !!!
We all love a collectible and keep filling our castles with achievements I wouldn’t stop until we got all the heroes!

Just to complete the idea, a hero’s capture logistics would be the same as the ice giant’s, you would defeat the hero and take from his body inventory a “crypt” that in this case the “hero’s soul” and “summon” him. “giant ice” logistics could be used very well in this.
You could go on adding new heroes as ‘novelty’ to the game, they would be ‘mini boss’ and would more fill the map with ‘points of interest’ which is half empty.
It is extremely easier to make a new hero to launch in the game than a new cave, and indeed it is just as satisfying for us to have something new to capture, not that it will no longer launch caves … but the game would have more constant additions.
This hero is something VERY COMMERCIAL, it fills the eyes a lot and the audience is a great opportunity for the game to make their DLCs more “attractive” since it has come “much of the same” now the “Heroic Armor and Weapons” would be something new, agent I wouldn’t have 7 types, I speak for myself that I bought their 7 DLCs, would be new and new sells.
Of course my “financial” concern is because I like the game and want it to keep growing and being updated.

I can’t help but imagine this as a Conan/Captain Planet crossover - something that doesn’t fit into the lore or style of the Hyborian setting. It has a distinctly modern high fantasy taste to it, rather than the low fantasy with a flavor of otherworldly mythical horror that Robert E. Howard created.

I did not understand his point, since in the “past” there were already several “Gods / Heroes” including many of him who do not exist “commercial patents of use” as in the case Zeus, Minotaur, Jellyfish, Hercules, Conan himself could be a " God of Force, "the NPC that already exists in the game.
This “little” thought is what ties the game to a smaller audience, I LOVE the game, and how 90% is not because it’s “true” to the “Hyborian” world 90% of us DON’T KNOW that the game is going on in this world , we have no affective attachment to it, we have an affective attachment to wanting interesting, attractive things.
Or do you think Conan was always using his “Map” to teleport around the world in his day?
Limiting the game to an idea that does not allow it to expand into gameplay is a mistake, which can’t of course get a bunch of MARVEL superheroes and make the “Avengers” Conan and no one is proposing it, is taking an interesting theme. and adapt the reality of the game and not change the game to a new reality.
It may have seemed a bit “hard” to my text but it was not my intention, I accept your point but I do not agree.

Funcom needs to respect the IP they’re licencing. They have some creative space in which to move around, but for the most part, the game has to fit in the Hyborian setting.

You’re of course absolutely correct, some people don’t care about the setting or don’t even know about it. But many of us do care, and if you’re making a Conan game it would be unwise to alienate the actual Conan fans, wouldn’t it?

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