Aesthetic and Gameplay suggestions


  • add option to drop human heads (links with following)
  • add possibility to place heads on spikes (actually temple of yog has, why not add possibiliy to place other players heads on a spike?)
  • possibility to use blood and liquids/dyes to manually paint buildings (or even full paint)
  • more various armors (i.e. a recipe who can modify aesthetic of armor pieces, maybe using dyes )

Gameplay mechanics:

  • add limit to thrall carrying weight ( last time a fighter with me brought back 6k of iron… nonsense)
  • add item/deployable to add number of thralls who can follow ( i.e. a staff used to command more thralls at a time, a deployable who increase number of thralls or even rings, eye rings or similar upgrade/enchantments up to a limit depending on level, like 1 every 5 levels)
  • increase AI of human NPCs (i.e. last time in 3hrs of roaming my archer I shot like 2 arrows while i killed 50+ humans plus some beasts)
  • add foundation respawn block to buildings placed on ground
  • add chitine armor (halfway between medium and light for protection, low weight, resistent to armor piercing and low protection on heat)
  • add camouflages: an indument used instead of chestplate who resemble as an animal in order to reduce aggression range of specific beasts (i.e. hyena camouflage, low protection, requires spefic skin to produce and reduces by 60% aggression range of hyenas. If not attacking or picking up younglings or mining etc)
  • add magic, as scrolls to be found who allow to learn simple magics, maybe unlockable feat who alloe to effectively drop and learn from scrolls (dropped by humans, undeads and semi sentient creatures, rarely but a bit more common drop on priest, the higher the tier the higher the chance but still low)
  • add local splitscreen, at least on console. Very few people has got 2 ps’ of xboxes, i read many threads of people like me who wishes to play a local game on console with friend/brother/sister/gf/bf.

Ask me any question you have and i’ll try to answer as good as i can.
Have a nice day

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I like the paint for building. Could be mock colours of already existing other building style or diluted dye that will keep a natural colours of the building. Or simply adding patterns of vivid colours like the tattoos

I’d like using normal dyes and a painting brush to piant both the whole face in one click and being able to free drawing (especially on PC even if i’m on PS).

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