An old Exploit is back: many walls in one square


Game mode: Online official
Type of issue: Bug/exploit
Server type: PvP
Region: EU

I’ve found a clan that is able to do again the exploit of having a damn lot of walls in a square of one fondation size, while it was supposed to be over since a damn lot of month:

It’s on the official PvP server 1202, this was screened at the Great Dam (they also did the same in a huge base between the Unamed city and the blue Obelisk)

I have no idea how they did this cause the old trick with the fence foundations and foundations didn’t worked last time I tried.

Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. The more details you provide us with the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:

This is not the same as what was being done before. They are using a legit building mechanic, just cheesing it a bit.
Hard to exlplain, but it involve sets of 4 triangle foundations, and building out then back in.

For comfort sake, the good new is they can go 50 vertical high with each set of walls, but all you need to do is take out the bottom walls. Everything else will collapse that is stacked on that wall. so yes it is 350,000 (if the would have used fences they would have gotten it to 450,000) HP.

They are placing a wall on a fence foundation. then placing 4 triangles out.

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Thanks, so you mean that they place a foundation on the ground, then a wall on it and above that they use a trick to do a lot of walls but everything is only supported by the lowest foundation and its wall?

Pretty much.
Here is a picture of the basics of it.
If you concentrate treb on the walls, and not the fences, it will be easier. The fences basically give 4.5 x the HP of a foundation that would occupy the same space.


Ok so it is really what it seems: 5 walls in the same space than a foundation, and you really require to destroy each of them.
I used once the old trick to do 3 walls in the same place because it wasn’t tagged as non-legit, then Funcom decided it was and removed this possibility (and told also that it was for reducing the server charge).

So it is an exploit as the old times, not by the same way, yet…

Btw, thanks for your answer and draw :wink:

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It is one thing to stack next to each other and another thing to stack 60 doors in one frame.


to report players, clans or exploits please send a DM to @Ignasi or @Hugo with enough evidence so it can be relayed to the team.

Doing so publicly in the forums goes against our community guidelines.
