Animation Bug prevents attacking/harvesting in single player

it does and I have gotten good at it… it doesn’t work for everything though. It does for mining. With the mirror mod though I just either go back to the chest I keep it in or just turn on admin and spawn one fixes the issues for the rest of the load in and works perfectly.

Also for me I’m 130 hours into the current play through as I stupidly keep base gather settings and I only just hit level 48. (I think I’m at the highest level I’ve been at) So temporary work around loses meaning at that point. lol. Honestly the mirror works perfectly every time so I just Bethesda a solution until the figure it out. Being as I have for the first time “reproduced/fallen victim” I’m happy to try to help and if packaging up the game file is a help I’m willing to do that.

Even though I have no idea if it is computer specific

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