Starting a fairly vanilla server, and wondering if anyone is interested in a RP one, that stays close to the REH stories and CE canon?
I am interested in a Vanilla server, can behave and will conform to RP.
Welcome back, it’s really great to see you!
I wish it was on Playstation, I would surely join even if I don’t know the lore. This would trigger more conversations between the members of the server and I already see the beautiful journey on your server.
I hope the best for your server.
This is my favorite type of server!
Absolutely. Would be refreshing to see some RP that actually tried to adhere to the source material for once. I’d be 100% down for that
Have the server up, listed as ‘Tribal Wars in the Exiled Lands RP’ For now, settings are work in progress and likely to change with a server wipe eventually. No mods, and likely to stay such. For server password, just drop a request on Discord server here, OyVeyUriel and also for questions.
The idea is not to have an ongoing in character storyline. Will look to foster in character cooperativity, to form up into small groups, with the player determining tribal/clan membership, max size of eight members. The in-character setting is just as it is in the base game, Exiles, looking to survive. Alts are discouraged. However, wishing to play a long-term character, or short-term characters are both equally encouraged.
Will the server have global chat or VOIP/local only for RP?
Should be set up with a global.
I’d also play on this server if it was on PS, it sounds great. Just putting this here in case a passing Plyastation server admin sees it…
Help me out here, please. How do I, a lone vagabond dirtbag Pict who removed his Official Bracelet, fit in?
Short answer, for IC, you don’t if you’re playing a hermit character, that keeps to themselves, or takes advantage of others, etc.
As a player, in a role, you can do a lot, trading, acting a neutral mediator for clans if you want to do that in character, acting as a helper mentor to new characters to get them on their feet before kicking them out to survive in the exiled lands on their own.
It all comes down to, for me and my take on it, if the server were a tabletop and you were bringing a pen and paper character to roleplay at it, what goals do you have for the character IC and how can you reasonably go about them and also interact with other players IC and OOC. So in this case, the table top is the Exiled Lands as CE has done it, and if additional lore is needed we can refer to REH writing.
In the case of a Pict, Wolves Beyond the Border and Beyond the Black River are invaluable lore. It is what I am basing the NPC Pict I use on the server for.
So for instance if I wanted to run a Ludus, from which my top AI or Human Champion is drawn, I could compete with other houses of Battle? This would allow me to be a Shaman or a Merchant as my occupation, rather than being just an idle richman?
I will read both those tales.
Absolutely could run a Ludus, and collaborate to have blood sports with others. As for being a shaman, sure, as long as it sticks to the abilities and mechanics of what is given in vanilla Exiled Lands for a PC. But as long as no detrimental meta came about, from the expectation of having mystical abilities as a shaman that would require admin fiat, be fine.
This is cool, with Wolves Beyond The Border you’re pointing out the particular Pictish influence I very much appreciate. Thanks for the explanation!
No problem, love that story fragment, with the young Aquilonian running as a hinterland scout. It is like REH was inspired a good deal by Last of the Mohicans when he wrote it.