Are Avatars ever coming back?

Its been quite some time since Avatars have been deactivated.

I am wondering if there is any sort of plan to return them to the game.

Thanks in advance.

I wonder as well.

I am starting to feel the Avatar we see first will be Avatar 2 by James Cameron lol.

careful, my avatar can get ya grandmaws preg a nant.

btw they said they are still workin on it. 8]

why did they disable them anyway?


nad its not fixed yet?

Several problems with it, I guess not yet but I’m not sure about it.
No bug list…no status…

I think it was more how easy they were to exploit on pvp that got them taken away.

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Indeed, like getting out of the map.

Los quitaron por que los jugadores encontraron la manera de duplicar las monedas para hacer un raideo infinito de solo avatares

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