Best meele fighter thrall?


What is the best meele thrall these days? (pc)

That depends a little bit of what one calls “best”: best life, best damage, easiest to get, easiest to level, easiest to level multiple times to get the best perks, best looks, …

Here’s the Wiki article; check the table.

To name some popular ones:
Beastmaster Teimos is a good mix of leveling speed, damage and life.
Dalinsia Snowhunter is an all-time favorite.
Relic Hunter Treasure Seekers from the Unnamed City are said to be pretty powerful. Slow to level, but they spawn numerously and with varied looks.
And Cimmerian/Skelos purge thralls, are, of course, a powerful option, though hard to get and hard to level.

So if you are looking for the best LVL 20 fighter and do not care about how long it take to level him up than the orbs thrower from the unnamed city are the best.

If your trying to raise an army fast than beastmaster teimos is the way to go.

Dalinsia snow is still very good but not the best.

For more info on the subject look up wak4863 on YouTube about the best thrall. Very good informative and demonstration video

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