Black Mass PVE-C -- 4x -- Mods

Black Mass [PVE-C] – 4x Rates
Weekend Raiding / Always PVP

A fairly new server with a small community based off a very large GTA RP community. We’re looking to expand our conan server to the next level.

– To connect, search for… “BlackMass PVE-C [WIPE 1/19] 4X - Custom NPC/EVENTS”

EXP: 4x
Gather Rates: 4x
Max Clan Size: 3
Raiding on weekends
Active admins
Custom npcs, quests and events
NPC Town

No greifing
No building spam

Pippi - User & Server Management
LitMan Item Stack & Container Size
Kerozard’s Paragon Leveling
Animal Spawn Variety
Warrior Mutator
Eat Dark It!
LTs Compass

Server Restarts happen at 9 AM (EST) every day. So please be aware of this before adventuring.