Blocking Legendary Boss locations on official server

Hello there everyone,

I am playing on an official PvE-C server (#1040), but unfortunately there are some players who think it’s ok to block of legendary boss lairs. I know there aren’t really any rules on these kinds of servers, but it’s not a chill move to deny other players these bosses. So I do not know wether this is allowed or not? Anyhow, I was hoping a game developer or someone could perhaps remove these structures so that other players can also fight the bosses, or otherwise perhaps implement building restrictions to these locations so that people won’t be able to do this in the future.

I would have shown pictures of the boss lairs I’m talking about, but unfortunately I am not allowed to do so as I am a new player, however the boss lairs I was talking about are the legendary scorpion (F5) and the legendary crocodile (G7)

With kind regards,
Eirik the Bastard.

Will not happen… You have boss creatures on the whole map. So why bother with one thats sealed off? There is even a croc new waterhole outpost at H6.

And on the PvE server I play, some clan blocked a Lemurian Lorestone. Which you would need to complete a journey-step, but that is also no “problem”.

The only time when FC does something, is when someone blocks off the starting area or more or less the whole map. Everything else -> they dont care.

Hey there Halk!

No worries, I wasn’t hoping for you to get banned, I was more hoping for admins to remove the wall that blocked the cave. xp Perhaps you can build a wall so that people can still access the cave, but so the crocodile can’t acces your clanmate his pets? :slightly_smiling_face:

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