Boss Hit Points Suggestions

Let’s start with the changes. I have reviewed the changes for all the bosses in the Exile Lands, Most of them I have fought and killed with a thrall in tow. There are a couple of areas that I would recommend changing.

Kin scourge (Live HP 11,830 | Test Live 7,219) I think this fight has always been to easy and the hit points should remain as they are on the live version.

Scorpion Queen (Live 19,628 | Test Live 13,701) compared to the King Scorpion (Live 23,529 | Test Live 16,411) I feel like the Queen Scorpion should be treated with equality and receive the same hit points as the King Scorpion. She actually is a far greater source of loot then the King Scorpion is and she has an epic throne let’s boost her up a bit.

Notes on oddities that I have found. The Witch Queen and her goons remain untouched though the Hp is kinda funny as her goons have 5,082 and she has 4,500 maybe there is some armor in play that makes those numbers make sense.

The Abyssal Remnant was reduced (Live 4,054 | Test Live 2,348) That’s a big decrease I also think this one should just be left alone. Most players solo this boss anyway as thralls are not effective against him, I see little complaints about how difficult it is to beat even at low levels. (for those wondering the Abyssal Remnant is attacking again on test live)

The Underwater Dungeon - could this have been missed on the first sweep? I saw no changes to any HP in this dungeon. I’m not sure if that was intended, though the HP is not extremely high for any of the enemies down there. The top one clocks in at 14,500 and the lowest “mini boss” at 4,500. This is just an observation, I really don’t an opinion on the lack of changes here.

I’m open to hearing anyone’s feedback or experience that they have had.


True. The best way I’ve found to prevent a thrall from falling in the acid pit is to give him a bow, and only a bow. Still solo him 2 out of 3 times.

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