Hey there,
Note, the following may come across as patronizing or too much to process (as mentioned in Social Guidelines > Posting Guidelines > Be Nice). If you don’t understand anything or dislike the tone of the post, try taking a break and say so. Know that I (am trying to) understand your actions in most cases, but may give criticism to not be incomplete.
Please read the following pinned posts:
- https://forums.funcom.com/t/conan-exiles-community-guidelines-please-read/54375
- [PS4] Conan Exiles Bug Report Guidelines
- https://forums.funcom.com/t/social-guidelines-read-me/62 Acccusation Rule and Moderation > Breaking the Rules. Accusation Rule should be read in combination with the universal Conan Exiles EULA:
- You should only post concerning the bug itself in the bug subforums (quoted). If you have any issues outside of the bug itself, such as an issue with an intended feature you should discuss it in the Discussions subforums (Community Guidelines).
- You should detail a bug thread as much as possible, such as adding a screenshot and/or video if applicable (How to be a Pro PS4 Bug Hunter).
Lost or broken items/ thralls - #4 by Hugo (reply)
No, you are not able to get a refund of items or anything else in-game (Conan Exiles EULA). The costs to hire ‘administrators for hundreds of servers’ have been stated to be too high. With item refunds, you’d also need to have enough evidence to show that a player has lost their items to a valid reason, for each individual case.
- “manpower or not…”: they divide the manpower they have. they don’t want people complaining that certain servers arent getting help. (The forums are an example of this, but even with more moderation a forum can be too dynamic too handle everything)
- Lost or broken items/ thralls - #6 (flagged post)
Abuse […] of the flagging system (Social Guidelines) is unfortunately present on this forum. The phrase ‘I’ll tell everyone…’ is not going to improve the game or discussion.
Other points; Yes, these need quotes, but I am too busy to finish the post.
- Continuing to ask for a free DLC:
Arguing with moderation is against the Community Guidelines. - Regarding the full refund:
See the section regarding item refunds. This is noted further down in the EULA section iirc. - Saying a reply which does not state anything about “why” is false information:
If a post does not include information you are looking to react on, you can’t react on it, let alone say it’s incorrect. You can only say it is missing.
I may be missing some. Anyhow, note that not everything is a violation of a rule, but rather something caused by your background or by getting only partial replies within one thread.