BUG AOH CH1 - Removing tems from hotbar partially or fully cancels character inventory queue

Basic Info:

Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Official
Server Type: PvP
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: Any
Mods: None

Bug Description:

Removing tems from hotbar partially or fully cancels character inventory queue.

Bug Reproduction:

  1. Set an item such as a fiber bedroll or build hammer to craft within character inventory with automatic or initiated pre-craft of twine
  2. While crafting the bedroll, move an unrequired item from hotbar, i.e., a tool, food or waterskin
  3. 2nd and subsequent items in queue cancel, ex.,: twine remains crafting in first slot of queue, bedroll cancels

This does not reliably reproduce every time.

This issue was pre-existing.


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