Bug ps4 conan construction

Infinite values in “stability” could be the problem. Doublecheck your settings for “creative” mode. If creative-mode is off and you still have infinite values, then something is wrong (not with you). I can suggest a few fixes, yet I’m sure they won’t help (to flip a switch). :adhesive_bandage: :hammer:

tell me your ideas, I’m open to all

The sandstorm? No it should not be the problem even if it looks that way. It would be coincidence at worst. If the sand damages the building, however then lets work on getting the video (as requested).

just building on the sand I mean

while waiting for the solutions proposed on my side I try to rebuild with pillars given my sandy land

It says “video unavailable”, and “This video is private”

You may have not taken the recommended steps above? Like reading the pinned material on conduct. Or, maybe it needs to be set to public instead of private.

Here is the link to the video, so is building directly on the sand and not the sandstorm break problem and what will be the solution?

Ah, you did not put a foundation under the pillar. Not your fault, so just put the foundation down first after you put the pillar.

I went down under the floor to complete such build. That helped with stability.

On his top video it’s obvious that he builded with sandstone foundations. So there isn’t a stability issue. His console fails to save progression maybe because of corrupted data or bad download.
Ps4 is pstato pro or not! Single player is having humongous saving issues on PlayStation console and not only.
Then again the op tries to build always in the same spot that he find problem.
If i had this problem in my gaming hours i would simply try to build in another spot, players should find their own workarounds to have fun with a game.
It’s good that this problem is reported yet it lacks the various details.
Map location for example would help the investigation of this issue!

To the op now!
If you have the opportunity connect to an official server. Devs in the past in here suggested this workaround to retrieve or heal corrupted data.
If this doesn’t work delete and download again.
But for God’s sake stop trying build in a place your own game doesn’t allow you to build, you only add frustration to your gaming time buddy, nothing else.

I think the equation for stability needs a little touch-up. The workarounds no longer make sense.

Make a ceiling like this:
where O is the elevator and X are the ceiling pieces. In order to achieve that it is required to place the X ceilings first. If I first put just an XO it works. If I get the red, then I place the rest of the X’s, first, before the O.

Makes sense?

I understand, I’m mostly trying to consolidate as much as possible, if you know what you mean?

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Have I understood correctly or not what you want to tell me, besides I deactivated the possibility of building anywhere, does that fix the problem?

Yes, you have understood, as long as there is not a stability issue. I have to exit this convo, for now. :+1:

Stability in this game makes a lot of sense. Actually it’s one building game that respects stability and tries to simulate architectural engineering. Of course it’s a game and some crucial details are “mythical”.
For example you cannot attach stone slabs 1X1 (ceilings) without the support of wooden or iron beams. So yes ceilings are “mythical” attached and provide stability.
Then again stone walls of 10cm thickness going 2 meters high and standing alone against a sandstorm is “mythical” as well. I won’t mention higher altitude because after 2 meters standing alone is fairytale.
Yet if you push away these details, the stability in general terms is correct in this game.
About the elevators, they are not considered as ceilings but as elevators. Their altitude, weight and function are making it way heavier, so it’s correct that they are not considered as ceilings in the stability term.

Unfortunately in this i will disagree brother. Conan exiles is one of the best games i ever played, but all these years, especially in the building aspect, Workarounds are necessary. I won’t mention the glitches that people use to eliminate the stability of the game, or the sky bases :woman_shrugging:t4:.
I use none of these glitches, i need nothing of it. Yet there are numerous pieces that should attach yet they cannot unless you do a workaround :wink:.
Now, about the saving issues of the op, that they have nothing to do with stability, but the general performance of the game in single player, it’s something that you have to experience and understand.
If you won’t invest at least a week of playing single player, you simply won’t. Somehow this saving issue comes with the number of hours you invest in the game every day.
Many “single” player veterans suggest not more than 2 hours, then exit and restart console to continue. When i play 6 or 7 hours straight i just flip coin… That’s the truth.


The surreal still makes sense? I know what you mean. I’m considering it further. It is still cool.

I can think of more than a few. It’s better to know a solution exists than pushing it on anybody (without syndication). :adhesive_bandage: :pray:

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Is there a maximum number of construction parts?

because I have reached a point where as soon as I put one piece on it takes it all off?

There are no-build zones. :wink: