Buildings pieces losing stability after update 2.4.6

I’m not a dev, but I can answer that question for you, because all that information is actually available on the forums, you just need to do a bit of searching :slight_smile:

Yes, that’s standard policy for Funcom. They do not reimburse players for in-game losses due to bugs, exploits, or any other reason at all. You can look up other topics where players asked to be reimbursed in-game and you’ll see the community managers explain that Funcom doesn’t do that.

They will sometimes roll back the server, but that’s not the same as being reimbursed.

Because those were the servers where the scheduled server maintenance by G-portal went bad, as it says in the post:

Furthermore, if you look at the dates, you will see that the rollback occurred on June 17th, whereas the update 2.4.6 was released on June 24th. One thing has nothing to do with the other.