Can you skip certain corrupted perks?

Title. I want to go around shooting evil in the face with the Abyssal Armor/Bow, the Vit 5 and 15 Corrupted perks, and all but the last corrupted Authority perk.

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Skip? No. You’ll have to take all the corrupted perks (5 and 10) to get the corrupt vitality up to 15.

Now authority you can corrupt 19 points out of 20 and maintain war party or well trained but the rest is corrupted. You want 19 to maximize the benefits of corruption up to that point (frenzy bump and bat riding stamina increases)

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That’s sad. Ah well, thank you

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This is hardly the place to ask, but I’ve not heard of nor noticed the bat stamina increase. Mind elaborating?

Well, the bat’s stamina when you are temporarily corrupted vs permanently corrupted is huge, doubled I guess. DarkCat explained it on youtube showing how up in the clouds you can fly in this way to bodyvault…

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The bat has 400 stamina but each corrupted authority adds 30 more points to a maximum of 1k. I normally sit at 970 for corrupted necro builds which is enough to get from priest king retreat to the top of the siege castle.


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