Can't lock on to rhinos & melee thralls don't attack them [#108721/19619]

Game mode: [Singleplayer]
Problem: [Bug]
Region: [EU]

Steps on how to reproduce issue:

  1. Get a melee thrall to follow you.
  2. Attack a rhino and lock on
  3. Make sure you or the thrall get attacked by rhino
  4. Thrall won’t attack and you won’t be able to lock on again.

Noting it down for some internal checks. Thank you.

I just corrected this to melee thralls though I haven’t checked it thoroughly enough.
I’ve had archers attack the rhino king successfully, but melee might have a swing and then they stop.
My base is outside Sepermeru where I get the occasional scorpions (small and medium size) and rhinos.
Scorpions get consistently attacks, but I’m mostly on my own with the rhinos.

I’m assuming the no lock on and no melee is related.

Thanks for responding hey!

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