Can't place pillars under bridges

Game mode: [Online | Singleplayer]
Problem: [Bug]
Region: [usa]

Thought it was said on the live stream that the bridges will still need pillars under them. I can’t seem to put pillars under them for support. Was trying to build a bridge across the water at the very east of the map in the jungle. Tried online and in single player.

Steps on how to reproduce issue: bridges off of staircase 3 high
2.try to place pillars under bridges
3.get frustrated and check the forums
4.find no answers so ask

Hello @Scumdog1980, you won’t be attaching pillars straight to the bridge pieces, but rather to ceiling pieces to which they connect or, alternatively, make use of foundation building pieces.

These bridges aren’t meant to cover large distances on their own.

Ah I see. Well thats interesting I guess. So I should be able to go ceiling tile with pillars under it then bridge to ceiling tile with pillars under…etc etc

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