Challenge Timelines - DA E17 Blade Basic Beatdown

Wanted to try something fun before any changes are made to blade. Using blade active and passive abilities only with basic ability as my main dps; I beat Dark Agartha E17 Timeline Challenge - Quickened Cataclysm (timer shortened by 4:00 minutes) with no items from Irreparable Custodian. All three 28% basic damage agents were used.

I added hurricane for range(ish), adds, awkward places, easy on energy and funsies.

I have always been an AR & SG or Ele user in DA to get it done quickly. Although I use blade in other places often, never in here.


DA E17 - Challenge Timeline: Meteor Shower (clusters of meteors will impact near you)
This time I removed all power abilities from my bar. I only used Flowing Strike (blade basic), and the rest were blade specials. I did add Hurricane (blade power) for Security Five adds, but barely needed to use it. I plan on getting them all completed like this, but it’s not as easy as it seems. No items from irreparable custodian used, but three 28% basic damage and healing agents were.

I’ve been noticing Spirit Blade will not let me forge during the GK fight specifically quite often. Luckily it goes into Chi Overflow, and I’m able to use it again. I hope the rebalance will fix that.


Challenge TImeline: Quickened Cataclysm (ROUND 2) (timer shortened by 4:00 minutes)
Same shtick but with no power abilities throughout. Not sure why I’m getting the same Challenge Timeline so soon.


DA E17 - Challenge Timeline: Strong Survivors (bosses deal 30% more damage)
(+)three 28% basic damage and healing agents
(+)basic, specials, elite
(-)power abilities
(-)offhand weapon
(-)items from Irreparable Custodian


DA E17 - Challenge Timeline: Chaotic Energies (bosses in Dark Agartha are randomized, and all bosses gain 1 additional effect)
(+)three 28% basic damage and healing agents
(+)basic (single or multi), specials, elite
(-)power abilities
(-)offhand weapon
(-)items from Irreparable Custodian


DA E17 - Challenge Timeline: Tenuous Connection (2 fewer lives)
(+)three 28% basic damage and healing agents
(+)basic, specials, elite
(-)power abilities
(-)offhand weapon
(-)items from Irreparable Custodian


I’ve had Thin Atmosphere done for a few days, but I have been through two Weakened Anima and have not been able to do it, even with my dmg/survive at 95/5 up to and during the GK. I’ve run out of time both days and eventually have to use AR at the end of the day,so that I can get the frags before reset. I’m going to keep trying.

I still have a couple of talismans that need to be 4 pip. Maybe that will help a bit.

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DA E17 - Challenge Timeline: Thin Atmosphere (take damage every 3 seconds in combat, no sprint)
(+)three 28% basic damage and healing agents
(+)basic, specials, elite
(-)power abilities
(-)offhand weapon
(-)items from Irreparable Custodian

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By golly, I DID IT!! I finally beat Weakened Anima this time around - third one. I was able to take one of the two talismans that were still three pip to a four pip, and it helped. I only had 9 seconds on the clock; I was freaking out. That was the last challenge.


DA E17 - Challenge Timeline: Weakened Anima (damage decreased by 30%)
(+)three 28% basic damage and healing agents
(+)basic, specials, elite
(-)power abilities
(-)offhand weapon
(-)items from Irreparable Custodian

One more “ROUND 2” video to post where power abilities where removed completely, then I’m done!


DA E17 - Challenge Timeline: Meteor Shower (clusters of meteors will impact near you) (ROUND 2)
(+)three 28% basic damage and healing agents
(+)basic, specials, elite
(-)power abilities
(-)offhand weapon
(-)items from Irreparable Custodian

ROUND 2 version: no power abilities used at all this time.

Last video.

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