Changing PvE conflict servers to PvP

Now is 14:38 5/9 my time, if by 14:38 5/10 they are not reverted, you can say goodbye

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I WANT MY MONEY BACK !!! That´s Fraud Just Have the Balls to admit it! U Catfisht many Casual Gamers and NOT Hardcore PVP´ler


Still no actual good excuse for what Funcom did. You people can point statistics, data, etc. till your blue in the face. You screwed up. You are currently debasing your own game by rescinding on a promise to your consumers and forcing them into a game mode they didn’t want in the first place regardless on if they were very few as you say which is wrong because plenty of the people here both PVP, PVE, and Conflict say that the conflict servers were even full. It’s rather rude of a company to even pull a stunt like this in the first place and you still don’t see yourselves as in the wrong. Guess this just means you don’t care for ANY of your consumers. Who’s to say you won’t pull this with PVP or PVE people down the line. You broke trust, you have broken promises, you have literally all the feedback you need to realize you messed up yet you refuse to see it, refuse to respond with actual hardcore facts and now it’s proving your not worth time and effort to even talk too.


Funny how they think once before making a change like that but now they’r thinking twice if they should revert it or not…


hey funcom

no one can log into your game and here they are letting you know you F’ed up HARD

best buy 1000 servers and some interns and cranking everything on high, then on high of the high to save your game as its half way down the whirlpool before it sinks to the depths below as a meme for every game develeper as what never to do when you sell a million copies, to be able to hold a million players and not put ALL of your hopes and dreams on private servers…

This is just a weak response.
Clearly some unrest… I bought a game that has this kind of gaming on their website! I played for hours working on things then you just take it and shrug?

A tip for making PvE Conflict even better when you guys bring it back, add a clan war system where you could challenge other clans to a war during the PvP time and during this war and only between the clans that are in war they could destroy their bases, that would bring even more value to the PvE-Conflict where you could do your PvE explore and find lore and beat dungeons and build your bases defenses and farm resources and yet you would be able to enjoy all the side of the PvP agains other clans that accept your chanlenge to a war, cause now the way it is it’s still fun and chalenging to PvP on PvE-C since you can die and lose your resorces to others players, but you have nearly no use for avatars and siege buildings, with this system the PvP on this servers would been awesome too, people who don’t want to have their bases destroyed will be able to play like that, and people looking for some more intense PvP could do it as well if wanted.

Hope you guys look forward to this tip cause it would be awesome to have this in the game.
@AndyB @Funcom_Community


Hey there,

Sorry to hear about what happened to you. I am actually a pvp’r but I am wanting to go back to a pve type playstyle. I know from experience that levels matter to a degree, but I have seen people with a stone knife to be quite lethal when backed into a corner :slight_smile:

As for those people that block resources/items of interest, we can fix that with a trebuchet and some coordination amongst the good people of the server… Dont let those types drive ya from the game, if I see ya I will be more than happy to take some heads for ya… Merc for hire!

Bait and switch. A just charge in this instance and a harsh thing to be accused of.

I agree with you and I am sorry you got your time wasted and your mood ruined.

We play full PvP —that is, my friends and I— and we have no interest whatsoever on joining a PvE server… but still, this is a tough one.

I can understand why Funcom did it. It is “logical”. However, in customer service, not everything can be driven by logic. Funcom offered a PvE-Conflict option to play the game and, thus, it needs to be delivered, whether for a couple of players or for thousands of them.

Not setting up more PvE-Conflict servers so that they can dedicate those resources to cover a PvP demand could have been understood… but I cannot and will not approve that EXISTING PvE-Conflict servers are turned to full PvP. That’s a bold thing to do…

By the way, many people cannot join the servers not because there aren’t slots, but because Steam and Conan’s server lists aren’t properly refreshed. Connecting through IP + Direct Connect usually does the job.

Anyway, TL; DR: I am sorry about all the PvE-Conflict players that got so neglected and while I can see the logic behind it, I cannot approve such a bold decision in any way. I could stand having connection issues for a couple of days. Even for a week. Hell, I even defended Funcom’s awful launch situation… But this, I cannot accept.


I can understand not being able to play PvP servers because of work and not being able to spend the time rebuilding over and over again. Unfortunately, when making a game for people that play 4 hours a week versus a game for people that play 20 hours a week, the people that play more will win out. As someone who has little time to play games, the ultimate conclusion is to stay away from Sandbox, MMO style games as they take many hours of game-play to enjoy the game fully.

I can understand the frustration but agree with Funcom’s decision. What I don’t understand is how having just a few PvE conflict servers is a hard commodity to provide for the minority group. Alas, there are still private servers, but I know it is hard searching for one with the right rule-set that will be enjoyable.

Personally, I am perfectly happy with PvP officials as they have restricted raiding times, and with 2x gathering it is not hard to rebuild or claim land that is not valued much. I hope future balancing will make raiding lower tier buildings in less valued locations very troublesome and undesirable. Also, I hope that you can still make your presence known if you are living on lower tier foundations.

What are you talking about? All PVE-Conflict servers were full yesterday!


I don’t even play pve conflict…i prefer the hardcore pvp experience even if that means getting all my hopes and reams crushed when i log in to a base that’s gone. Having said that, even i can see how unbelievably stupid this choice was. They HAD to know this would piss a bunch of people off. It’s 100% unfair to advertise a certain gameplay style that people choose and then pull the rug out from under them. Whats weird is they seem to have done this to make more pvp servers…but couldn’t they just…you know…get more pvp servers. Why do they have to steal from pve conflict servers? i wonder if it’s just to save money…i really hope not. Bad move funcom…this won’t disappear…better handle this right or watch your playerbase go poof.


Just a joke of extreme bad taste, I and my clan lost more than 1 day building in a place that we already planned in time, and now the server changes, that same place is available in another server ??, in another server will have Places we could have got there first ??
It is difficult to remember a game launch with so many confusions.
Wipe ??
I just want to have the same equality as the other players and Funcom takes that away from their customers.

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If you want funcome to fix this, write a negative Steam review now and indicate that you will change it to positive if they reverse their decision.


I don’t own this game, but I heard the dev in this game is doing great, as a ex-ARK player, I thought with this game fully released and the brillant PVE-C mode, this will be my game to play.

Now I’m just so glad I hesitated yesterday.

Removing PVE-C is stupid, and it says a lot about the dev team, and guess what, that is a HUGE first impression. “Sure the servers suck and we need more servers, let’s f*** the casual gamers”

It’s not just about stupidity, it’s about you don’t give a rat’s ■■■ about your player base.

The reputation of the dev of this game was great, and now, I donno.
If the dev acknowledge the problem and fix it within 24hrs (even that is not as fast as how you break it), I will give the game a try and try to forget about this incident, if not, well goodbye.

But again if you don’t fixed it by then there is no loss for you, you will prove your “f*** casual” mindset by then and probably will spit on my money anyway XD

I figured it up. They only have about 2000 NA spots on PC (40 per server) for official servers. There are less then 500 Xbox NA servers slots (40per server). They only made enough servers for about 1 % of their player base. I think there are big problems with this company.

well on the bright side, they won’t be needing new servers in a short time, since the news will spread out about how they treat their players.

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Read this for the reasons behind the decision.

Your math does not take into account the private servers that are running with 70 slots (no, I do not have those numbers).

I’ve read it, and it’s stupid, you know it’s not the fact (full fact anyway)if you seen the respond it gets.

They want more pvp servers? go get more.
Not by killing off part of your player base