Changing PvE conflict servers to PvP

Guys… you know this isnt right. Revert your mistake before the word continues to spread… the PVE-C was an amazing idea. Whoever told you it was unpopular needs to have there head checked out. This was something new and fresh to the survival series. We had fun plans for the server I.E. coliseum battles for loot and resources, stores, trading post, all kinds of things you cant do on PVP becuase some schmuk is bored and lazy targetting easy loot. Please funcom. Your release was pis-poor. Do it for the customers. My friend group is the type to sink thousands of hours into games if they are worth it.

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who made that change!? **** i dont want to play on pvp server?? but i still want a bit of pvp with no raids !!! and PVE CONFLICT was The best solution !!! only 5-11 pm was pvp and i dont have to panic to be raided like *** i played before on a pvp sever !!! and it was no fun anymore !!! thats why i change to pve conflict and now u change it to pvp ??? *** and what with ur opinion ?? schould we not be ask before u do such desicion ? i feel betrayed !!!

You want to know what i think? You just forced a mostly pve community into pvp and their is nothing alright about it. What your doing is panicking and ■■■■■■■■ over your community without even a warning or time to prepare for it. You have just wasted a lot of peoples time and effort and your steam reviews are going to show it.

First, @AndyB Thank you for at least acknowledging how upset and angry we all are.

You / Your Coworkers claim that the servers were underperforming…yet everyone here can back up the fact that servers were 30-40/40 steadily. My PvE-C #1651 was full consistently. So the claim that they were not popular is unfortunately not ringing true.

You folks have sold a tremendous amount of copies, so you can easily afford to open more servers (which you have been doing). There was absolutely no reason to screw over all of us working gamers who flocked to PvE-C servers. It was insensitive, unfair, and done is very poor taste.

Obviously, this was not your call @AndyB , and so the criticism is not directed at you, though I imagine it feels like it with everyone so ticked off. But whoever made this decision, they need to understand you cannot, as a gaming company that promised a server type to players, suddenly double back and tell them they do not matter.

For now, I and countless others have flooded steam with negative reviews in order to get your bosses attention, and once the servers are reinstated I am hopeful many of us will change those reviews to the positive that the game deserves.

Here’s hoping your company makes the right decision. Reinstates all pre-existing PvE-C servers to their original settings, and never makes this mistake again.



This is a simple decision for me. I’m returning the game for a refund tomorrow and in a months two whe n they’ve (theoretically) reinstated the PvE-C server I’ll buy the game 2nd hand on Ebay from a PvP player who’s bored of the game.
I refuse to give me hard-earned cash to a company who consider the opinions of one half of their customer base worthless…

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Arkathos! I was also on this server for most of the day… sad to see it changed so suddenly on us. The community that was building already seemed chill.

It is only you who see a huge amount of players asking to return to the conflict. there are only 100 people who are less than 30% of players want a back of the PVE Conflict, it is difficult to see it? I bought the game and got the right to demand it.

I played the pre order of Age of Conan, had almost 1000 hours of game, and for this disregard that you have with your customers that I stopped playing and never came back.

Listen to your customers that you will be successful, on the contrary just regret.

@AndyB @Funcom_Community @FuncomNews

Hey, I’ve just looked and notice a lot of PvP servers which only have 15-25 people in them !

By your reconning, you’d best get in there and repurpose them quick as they are clearly not being used to the max !

I hear Hello Kitty is in great demand right now…


I jumped on a PvE server to start with as I wanted to learn the game a little before getting involved in PvP, I was intending to play on a PvE-C server eventually, it sounded very interesting and fun compared to the cry, grief, insult fest you see on most PvP games plus it discouraged the hardcore PvPer to stick to the core PvP servers.

I am so glad I didn’t go straight to a PvE-C server, it’s not hard to see how people feel (and rightly so).

I hope they return, I think PvE will become a bit boring once the content has ran out and I have no interest in 24/7 PvP servers.

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Don’t know if it’s already been mentioned but I find the fact that the Conflict servers were unpopular to be a shortsighted excuse given how the servers were implemented. Not everyone reads the news about the game or browses forums/reddit. Someone correct me if I’m wrong but there was barely anything in the server browser that properly explained the Conflict ruleset. By definition, anything labeled as PVE is going to make someone looking for PVP turn away if they don’t know any better. Furthermore I had to filter under the old PVP fast ruleset to even bring them up to begin with, and I had to go to a third party resource just to find one that matched my local time.

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Hey! I too, was on 1651! I rented my own 20 slot server to play PVE-Conflict on, if you’d like to join i can send you the info.

Looks like I’ll be spending my time elsewhere until this is fixed. Got up at 4am on launch day to secure a PVE C base…what a waste.


This is Fraud and its BS so Give me my money back i have spent more than enoth time wasting here on ure forum dont geting a real Point that makes this move Reliebal. So make a Butten for refound the game and let the steam player do so too and stay With ure PVP players. I am sick of this topic… U have lost many players even if u now do the right thing so the only fair thing is give the ppl there money back!

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Just NOW saved me $40! Tempted to buy it, just to leave a bad review, then instantly refund it. What kind of BS move was that? I was going to get it for the PVE-C only.
Notsofuncom at all. Expect a shtload of backlash and hate for this one. You guys really screwed this one up.


I only discovered the existence of this game this morning and got pretty hyped. Until finding out about all this. Pretty heckin glad not to have bought it now. Made this account just to chime in on how absolutely retarded this decision is. Good job Funcom you are ■■■■■■■■ yourseleves real good here


Hey Ghostcom!

Yeah that server style was PERFECT for building a community. Everyone was cool, one of the best servers I played on and it had only been around for 24 hours. Imagine that. Fingers crossed that they reverse their decision; our server is now flooded and no chance I’ll get in to see if my home still stands. =/


Funcom wtf…Me and my hubby loved this game mode i didint like my base being destroyed and he liked pvp…We also play TSW and SWL…since LAUNCH>…and he even has a master acount there …and hes pissed im pissed we all are pissed off at this because its like it hit a major button for him…and me…hsi characters name is Riruia if your wondering…makes me want to throw up,…like a family member punched my daughter in the face…bad…


My server has turned in to a war zone, most players are quiting because of 24/7 players that kill the fun for the people that can play only after work…
Nice move FunCom, but keep this in mind, the 24/7 players change games as fast as you drop down your pants for them :joy: and the loyal players, well, we are getting f…ck up for this.


I am adding my demands to bring back the pve conflict servers back, I have played Conan exiles since EA started and this was the perfect ruleset for me and you fold up 2 days in . Stop listening to the marketing dept.

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I would have enjoyed this game mode but I actually didn’t know it was available on official servers until reading this thread.
Otherwise limited time PvP is also a good option for me, but doesn’t seem to be available on official servers.