Changing PvE conflict servers to PvP

The fastest worst decision post a launch that I’ve ever seen in 19 years of gaming this. Official PvE-C was an advertised feature that at the very least should be explained ahead of time since thousands of players had already spent 24 hours building/playing accordingly. Instead, we log on our servers to find out in global chat that we’re now playing on a full PvP server and our items/bases are vulnerable and could be looted before we even got home from work.


I could not get on a server at all but I was planning on a conflict server. This was a horrible decision on FUNCOM’s part.

I hate to say it but they seem to be “dropping the ball” on what should have been a great launch…This is all FUNCOM being ill prepared and making bad decisions on top of that does not help…

Change the conflict servers back and roll out more PvP servers as they come available…don’t piss off one group to please another…makes no sense. The conflict servers were all 40/40 all night last night…I couldnt even get a spot…

This is starting to sour my perspective a bit.


We had a small 6 man crew/clan of PvE players who had met early on in early access. We all loved the game. Non of us enjoy PvP nor do we want to play it. Losing all your items over and over isn’t fun, we like to build.

We all work and cant defend our bases 24/7. We planned to build a village in a PvE, meet more players and enjoy everything in the game. We joined a PvE-C server just for the pleasure of ‘play fighting’ to test builds, weapons and armour amongst ourselves. Other than that, we wanted a PvE gameplay server. This is what the PvE-C server did so perfectly.

To throw all us and many others like us into the opposite style of gameplay is just an outright stupid and unprofessional decision. Whoever made that choice shouldn’t be in charge.

And this isn’t the first time, look at the history we’ve seen,

First we bought into a 1st person survival game, 1 year later the game style changed from 1st to 3rd person view, that was a big change for us which we didn’t like. But as fans, we stuck it out.

Then we were told, no sorcery, no mounts and no active thralls, and the purge has been watered down.

Then our special gift was HALF of Conans outfit, and we’re brushed off with “if you want the sword, buy another copy of the game” ?!?

I also remember the server being able to have a 70 player limit, and I think everyone believed it would be even more on release.

So, all excited, even after being fingered, we all booked the day off work, turned the phones off and linked up to join a PvEC server. The very second the servers launched, we all got in. That was noon here. 2am we logged off ! 14 hours

Today we all returned to work after our marithon and find that all our plans and work was wasted.

All our items were accessible to the other players.

Funcom, you’ve done your very best at every turn to make us dislike this game, why would you do that ?


Created a forum account just for this too! Terrible decision, if you need more PvP servers, create more PvP servers. PVE-C was a great middle ground option. I suspect the PvE-C servers were under capacity at many times because people were at work. Bring them back!, Thanks!


They were packed all night, its a BS excuse, more fingering.
They just needed to open more PvP servers.

Better still, if the servers weren’t available, why not have increased capacity on all the existing ones to 45-50 for a few days. There was no good reason to do it this way.

Please bring back PVE-C servers. As you can see, a lot of us really enjoyed that mode.




Agreed Galdus. @AndyB It would be a very kind move on your guys part to give us an update and not keep your players in the dark about this process. It’s been a few hours since this post - and as you can see here, twitter, and in steam; quite a lot of people are very upset. So save some suffering to everyone and drop an update please.

IMHO, people who play PVP-C style are the ones that will stay in the game for way longer than most of the PVP ones, in the long run, having some PVP-C servers makes sense. I myself know i would love PVP-C, because PVP only is too stressful and PVE only gets boring after a while (unless the keep adding content).


so instead of putting more servers up, you screw over a large number of your players current, and drive off a large amount of future business by drumming up massively bad PR through not having enough servers AND ■■■■■■■■ over your players.

I was going to pick this up on payday and try my damnest to get my friends in, but now… this is going into the “wait for it to be on a very low sale” list. Seriously, out of everything you could have done, you picked the literal worst option available.

It is 5am for them right now… what would you like them to do?

I’m disappointed in the loss of PvE-C and will give gentle pushes for a long while a PvP servers die due to PvP players leaving to cry and other moving to better less QQ servers. As I didn’t join a PvE-C server because I knew at launch everything was going to be crazy as I have half a brain… and figured I’d wait a few days explore the jungle (which is kinda meh resource wise so far) and end plan out some larger base structures than I normally do for thrall production and purge defence. So I’m bummed that they are gone. I don’t think it is ok and I think it was short sighted. However being as you have a bunch of children screaming and spamming they want more servers it is a quick and easy solution. As PvE-C is more of a Mature slow burn server style. For people that want to experience the PvP aspect and have a way to deal with grievers and annoying people… and honestly I like stealing peoples shoes when they don’t sleep in a building. While also wanting the PvE community aspect you often get on the PvE servers. The concept is really neat.

I think if there are enough of us we will see them come back. It may just take a couple of weeks.

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Lol they did reply. They basically said deal with it.

Ha go play sims got 2300+ hrs in pvp and a 5 hr wait 3 times a day. None of the pve servers are full! So quit b***hing.

Large what a joke.

Learn to play lmao

Forgot it was 5 am lol - So obviously I would like nothing from them as they’re sleeping. And after this clusterf*ck I’d imagine they deserve a rest before coming back to it.

When they wake up though just like you said, be nice if they roll the decision back to scrap the servers.

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So no answer from DEVs ?
Seem they have no respect for us, lame.
Also i can’t get my money back as early access, so only way is to write bad steam review ?

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I don’t understand how this can be a game marketed to adults yet take away the server that considers that most adults sleep at night and work during daytime… Very disappointing, a lot of my friends will not buy this game unless this change is reversed and PvE conflict servers return.

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Who is the idiot that suggested of changing it in the first place. Leave us in peace fix the bugs and let us enjoy the game. PVE Conflict is awesome. You even edited you news letter that was dated 2 May.

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I’m just here with a bit of popcorn watching the world burn in forums, don’t mind me.