Combat gameplay sucks

Basic Info:

Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Online Official
Server Type: PvE
Map: Isle of Siptah
Server Name: 6436
Mods: None

Bug Description:

Combat sucks, rubberbanding. I don’t know how many times this sort of thing has happened to me, too many to count. Most recently, I was standing on a platform in a cimmerian village, shot an npc to draw them close, as they approached all of a sudden I’m on the ground and the npcs are behind me and I get smacked to pieces with no recourse for action. This is BS. Fix this shit! Your game runs like crap and all you do is add content. How about spending some time fixing buggy crappy gameplay. Try trimming off some excess code and not clogging it up with something else that starts the problem up all over again.

Bug Reproduction:


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While the OP tone is a bit agressive.
I have to express I get annoyed at this as well.
Recent issues:
thrall stands in me, and I need to jump to free myself
occassionally, I will be unable to Alt dodge-roll free, I just roll on the spot for some reason.

The OP’s tone was a bit aggressive but sometimes you have to stand on some ones toes to get there attention. Funcom’s continued silence about old bugs that are never fixed causes frustration amonst the players.
The rubberbanding happens to me at log in. This is not a new problem, it has been happening for a very long time.
Funcom need to stop the game development for a while and fix all the past and present bugs. Once the game is stable, then they can continue development.
I love the game and will continue to play it, but I will never buy another game from Funcom.
Their continual silence speaks volumes.

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