Comprehensive Feedback: Living Settlement System: A Bugged and Unengaging Experience, Enhancing Age of Heroes for a Deeper and More Engaging Experience

I haven’t. The boot drive on my personal computer crapped out, so I’m mostly posting on forums from my work computer while I’m getting that taken care of.

Yeah, it was refreshing to see some new mechanics and some actual challenge. Of course, there were complaints about it, but most of the times other players would jump in and point out that the complaint was unreasonable and give some advice on all the different ways to tackle Thag.

Most of the other bosses are either HP sponges, like you said, or glass cannons (like the Arena Champion). Neither of those two patterns presents a challenge.

Outside of the bosses, there were occasionally bits of PVE combat that required at least some skill. For example, it used to be so you could just run into New Asagarth and spam attacks until everyone was dead. Then they revamped the combat and you had to actually manage stamina and dodge attacks to avoid getting stunlocked and be smart about healing, but that was before they revamped stamina again and make Sonic roll the way to win PVE fights.

To be fair, it’s not easy to make PVE combat in Conan Exiles challenging. The AI isn’t very smart and making it smarter might be hard for technical reasons. So that leaves messing with the players’ mechanics and stats, but they can’t do a lot there either without messing up PVP (even worse than it is now).

It seems that the best they can do is vary the NPC group dynamics, and that’s mostly what they’ve been focusing on. Thag introduced phases and summons. Kurak dungeon had phases, too. Old purges came in two different types – the normal one that came in waves and the “swarm” purge (e.g. Cimmerian Berserkers). The new purge adopted the “tower defense” style. And so on.

But I’m a little bummed out that everyone always focuses exclusively on combat when talking about skill. There are other aspects that can require learning and skill. For example, there used to be a measure of skill involved in learning how to optimize your crafting pipeline to produce all your materials efficiently and in quantities you need. There were advanced building techniques to learn; some of them still exist, others were removed because they were being abused on PVP servers.

There’s so much that Funcom could do with the existing systems to provide additional challenges. For example, imagine if different foods provided different bonuses, but also had effects that cancelled out some other foods or complemented them.

Or take thralls, for example. Some people complain about Sinner’s Refuge and how you can get a bunch of T4s there without any effort. But removing easy T4s sends us back to the dark ages of neverending slot machine mechanics, where you repeatedly grind the NPC camps hoping for the blessing from the RNG. Imagine if it wasn’t a mind-numbingly repetitive grind, but required some kind of effort from the players that didn’t merely rely on random numbers.

Legendary items are another example. Those follow the same pattern: grind, grind, grind, until the RNG generates a random number in your favor. No challenge involved, just persistence. Meanwhile the Volcanic Forge and the Forge of Ymir are just quaint places to visit. What if getting legendary weapons required you to fight bosses that drop rare components and then you could combine those components and one – or even both – of these forges to craft some legendary weapons? The bosses could have guaranteed component drop, but the components themselves could be random, so there’s still randomness in what you can get, but you have some control over how you use those components to get the weapons you prefer.

And I haven’t even touched on how sorcery could be really fun instead of a gimmick with a couple of useful mechanics.

There have been tons of good ideas on these forums on how to tweak or revamp the existing systems to make them more cohesive, to synergize better, and to provide some challenge.

But ideas are dime-a-dozen. They’re worthless if no one ever implements them.


Do tell.

Spellcasting will NEVER be particularly useful - especially considering the “price” you pay for it - without some form of combat magic.
Sure , there was a clear statement “no fireballs” and we have storm in the game but that’s not enough and even that storm is … well not very effective…

Yep. But “combat magic” doesn’t have to be limited to “pew pew”. There are other things they could implement that would be actually useful in combat.

Welp, that’s partly on the PVP community and partly on Funcom for listening to them. There were so many complaints about how it’s overpowered that Funcom nerfed the shіt out of it. :man_shrugging:

Testing mass harvest; :wink:, on the beta server today for a bug report and was reminded just how disappointed I am in sorcery.

Like to see it level with the caster; range, duration, effectiveness. {simply amazes me when I spell everything in a sentence right}

Maybe add some effects, like disorientation with fog cloud; beta locked up or I’d check. Give those in it an attack debuff or cancel any attack buffs they have.
{futhermuck. My internet keeps losing connection. I’ll have to get back to this}

I’m quite sure Jimbo could do a rewrite of the sorcerers spells some justice.

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Here’s a shower-thought sorcery idea.

There’s a discussion in another thread about adding a mechanic that would make the player movement speed a function of health: the lower your health, the lower your speed. Imagine if that wasn’t an always-on mechanic, but an AOE spell effect.


I know , especially in various Elder scrolls I usually play as a mix of knight/paladin/spellsword with minimal or no offensive magic (I don’t avoid ranged combat but there I prefer bow or crossbow)
That’s also why I used the term “combat magic” , I was thinking more of various buffs/debuffs , healing, shields, paralysis, slows etc…
Possibly specialized spells against undead or demons but those would fit more under the eventual rework of religion , if we ever see it

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Having to feed, clothe, hydrate and rest thralls or they die?
What the everloving #%@$? Who on earth would want that in addition to the multitude of ways that thralls can already die or disappear due to both legit mechanics and unexpected bugs (I shudder to think what new thrall deletion bugs are coming with the update).

The point of a game is to be fun, not punish people in every way possible and make playing a chore. If you want to toil away in a game then maybe a farm simulator would be more up your alley.

But you basically showed your colours when you said you’d have no problems with mass wipes because you’ve already restarted 100 times. Good for you - however most people playing in this persistent world multiplayer game actually care about progress and many have rare items and recipes that have been unobtainable for years. This game isn’t only about you. But if you want it to be, then you could always make your own mods and play SinglePlayer.
Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.


I think the suggestion was to not gain their bonuses on the bench. Which I like the idea of.

“You talkin’ to me? Are you talkin’ to me? I don’t see anyone else around here, so you must be talkin’ to me”

There is a point you are not progressing you’re just hoarding. There is literally a ceiling on the live servers, where you can no longer progress.

So you just have to have 18 vaults for all that don’t you?

That isn’t what funcom says, funcom says I’m the hero of my own story :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

None the less I don’t mean to make it sound like it’s all about me, but I try to avoid using “us” and “we” when I’m thinking about how things effect everyone on the server. Some mega build with a dozen vaults and a couple dozen full animal pens affects the entire server not just me.

No, actually I want everyone on the public servers to be able to play as well as I do.

If I was going anywhere I’d have gone by now. I actually stayed because it looked like we were going to finally get some communication going. But it seems it was just the new person coming through on there way to the office and haven’t seen them since. funcomed yet again.

I actually have less than 1000 building pieces/placeables at all times. I have probably the smallest footprint on my server despite being there the longest.
Do not assume that because I have things I do not want to lose that I’m some mega-base building hoarder that’s affecting server performance. If anything, over the years I’ve learned to prioritize - and I give most of the replaceable items away.

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