Conan Exiles Dedicated Server Launcher (Official Version: 1.7.5 / Beta: 1.7.8)

I’m at a loss here - Tried a fresh install of Dedicated Server 1.6.0 and it also installed with 372351/32628.

I have no idea what’s causing this :S

Actually, I just looked at my existing server (non-testlive) and that’s the correct version. Did you try direct connecting to them?

Yeah, I can’t direct connect to them either for some reason. Ports are open for them, and they’re exposed to the internet, so I guess I’ll have to do more troubleshooting :slight_smile:

Did you enable battleeye like officials? I think they have it on.

I tried on the standard live version, and I do have 372351/32628 for both the server and client.

So you server is correct, not sure why your client is wrong, is it on the proper Live branch as well in Steam? (or are you using the Epic or Windows Store version of the Game Client maybe?)

If you are using the Steam client, try to validate the install, see if maybe you have a half installed version with mixed files.

Fyi I had to redo my server again today (I think the pc had a windows update… :confused: ). Something is unstable about holding the steamid. I guess I’ll just hope it doesnt happen again since it wouldnt make a lot of sense to totally track this down during limited testlive. Just more or less posting this here so people know to look out for it.


Could you check the Dedicated Server Launcher log see if you can see a message related to this line of code?

"Using command line option: -steamid %d", m_SteamIDServer

Another place you can check is in the SteamCMD parameters during the update:

appUpdateInformation += " +app_update " + std::to_string(m_SteamIDServer);

Basically check the logs for any instance of 443030 or 931580, that would at least eliminate an unknown parameter: Is the DSL somewhat forgetting the override or is it something else.

EDIT: I may have found a reason.

If you use the “Launch program on login option”


the information is stored in the registry in
but this string is not modified if you pass different command line parameters.

So if you started once the launcher without any parameter and enabled the launch on login, the registry will look like that:

If then you quit, and start it again with -steamid 931580 it will properly enable the new steam id, but the registry is not going to be updated, so on the net login it will start the launcher with the default id.

What you should do is to either edit the registry key, or disable then enable again the launch on login so the registry key looks like that:

That should make the override sticky over restarts.

That’s the only thing I can think of right now.

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I’ll take a look after work. Thanks for the details.

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So I just checked the log and dedi, I didnt have launch on login for this server checked (which for simplicity I’m glad I didn’t) and curiously, the only version it mentions is 931580… very curious. Reading the log you wouldn’t know anything is wrong, but it did load with the old version. Very curious indeed.

At any rate, installing it again did get it working again by just moving over an earlier backup database from that day and copying over serversettings, so no big deal for me. Hey it’s testlive afterall right? :wink:

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What would be interesting is to do a folder diff between a version that worked and stopped working, and a brand new one reinstalled that still work, see what the differences are.

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I’ll give a whirl

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You can try the 30 days free trial of Beyond Compare*.

It has a folder compare mode, just select the two folders, right click → Compare.

Then you can double click on things in red to get an actual diff of specific files.

(*) This is not a commercial endorsement of the product, but I’ve been using it for the last 20 years or so, so I’m just used to that one, there are probably other equivalent products :slight_smile:

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Where in the Folder-Structure should the “html”-folder be placed?

I might have found the answer, but I’m not a 100% sure.
I have placed my “html”-folder in X:\Server\Conan Exiles Dedicated Server\DedicatedServerLauncher\ConanExilesDedicatedServer\ConanSandbox\html

Is this correct?
Thanks in advance!

Directly inside the folder created by the launcher, at the same level as where you have the “appcache”, “steamapps”, etc…

You can try that to see if that works:

  • Add the html folder
  • Inside create a “style.css” file

And then put that in the file:

body { font-family: Arial; background: #ffa201; }

Should display the pages in some hard-to-miss orange background color :slight_smile:

When changing the CSS, you may have to CTRL-F5 in the web browser to force reloading the changes.

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Thank you!
I really love these features! Thanks so much for the continued support!

Edit 1
I’m currently trying to get the Background to be orange, but for some reason it wont work?

My ‘html’-folder is placed in:
X:\Server\Conan Exiles Dedicated Server\DedicatedServerLauncher\html

with the style.css and the style you’ve suggested, but it doesn’t seem to work.
I’ve tried accessing the webpage through my LocalHost: and with the External IP. Both show the page, and update their respective values with intervals, but no bright orange background.

I’ll continue trying (trail and error :wink: )

Edit 2.
Added a screenshot, to dubblecheck if I haven’t done something wrong?

I tested from scratch on another machine and it’s working fine, but I think I know what the problem is.
I did my original tests in debug mode, which has the internal webserver not cache any resource, so my changes would be immediately detected.

The published Launcher is in release, and that one caches the resources after they have been loaded, so you will probably not see the changes until you restart the launcher (and CTRL-F5).

I probably need to add a “flush server cache” option somewhere.

Location of the HTML folder:

Without the HTML folder:

With the CSS:

Really minor thing, but can you update the message sent to Discord when a restart is kicked off but no players are connected?

Right now it says:
Initiating a early shutdown since there are no player connected.

Suggested change:
Shutting down early since no players are connected.

Even better, would be offering a flag or some way to change the default message in this case. Thanks for your help and the great tool!

While looking for some of the issues that happened with the Steam ID change for the Test Live server, I noticed that there was actually an issue with one of the two override parameters I mentioned some posts earlier, so I made a new version that fixes that:

1.6.1 (23 August 2022)

  • Fixed an issue in the mod manager which still refered to the STEAM_ID_CLIENT defined instead of m_SteamIDClient overridable variable

Dedicated Server Launcher 1.6.1

tldr; The -steamidclient command line option should now work properly

@heavy changing the text is not very difficult, providing a user editable text requires some UI change, so that may be more difficult


So with the new version (1.6.1), can I just drop it in my existing TestLive server directory, replacing the 1.6.0 launcher? Or will I have to delete everything in that directory and let it rebuild the file structure?

Understood and thanks again! I honestly don’t think I would be quick to override it if the typos in the current line were fixed, but it would be cool to have the option. Is this something we could possibly override with a command line parameter without needing to make a UI change?