Conan Exiles Dedicated Server Launcher (Official Version: 1.7.5 / Beta: 1.7.8)

I wrote some time ago that I would try to get some way to control the launcher from a web page, I started a prototype, and that’s what it looks like at the moment.

There’s no CSS of fancy graphics (other than a favicon), that may come later, but the priority is to get the core features working and debugged. If the feature does not work for you people, adding a fresh coat of paint will not help :slight_smile:

So, basically there’s a new port in the network configuration section, which will also have to be port forwarded if you want to be able to access the web page from the outside.

There’s also a small checkbox to enable or disable it (the effect is instantaneous, so if somebody starts to do naughty things you can just remote to the machine and disable the page while leaving the server running).

There’s also a place to enter a password which is used for authentication.

And here is the current page/workflow.

Right now all you can do is to start, stop and restart the server, and see some data about it.

There’s some latency, and not all the internal states are covered, so during a restart some of the buttons may still be displayed for a few seconds, but hey, it’s a prototype.

I still have a couple of things to clean up, then some testing to make sure nothing bad happens (like trying to bypass the authentication, etc…) then I’ll try to get the 1.5.0 version out for you to test and provide feedback.

You can react on what I posted right now of course.