Conan Exiles Dedicated Server Launcher (Official Version: 1.7.9 / Beta: 1.7.10)

:brazil: feedback Conan Exiles servers Players Helping Players

Sim sempre irá funcionar por que o DSL é um painel muito bem ajustado porém ele faz a chamada do CMD de base de servidor steam, então ele irá abrir normalmente se a base steam não tiver alteração por parte da funcom.

There’s no checks of this kind in the codebase.

So 1.7.8 is working fine, but not 1.7.9?

Could you:

  • Start 1.7.8, deploy the server, when the server is running stop it and quit.
  • Start 1.7.9, try to deploy the server, when you get the error, quit.
  • Open the \Logs folder and find the matching DedicatedServerLauncher(1.7.8).2024.10…txt and DedicatedServerLauncher(1.7.9).2024.10…txt log files
  • Send them to me as a private message (or attach here if there’s nothing important) so I can compare the content

So let see what changed between 1.7.8 and 1.7.9


  • Added +logoff to all the SteamCMD commands to help solve some issues with never ending Steam updates for some players

Fixed a few issues with the “Run Script” feature:

  • The log now contains a line indicating the script is running (or failing) with the complete path and parameters
  • The blocking dialog is now a Windows notification popup
  • If Discord is configured, you will receive a message there saying that the script could not run

The code handling StreamCMD did not change between the two versions.

The only thing that changed between 1.7.8 and 1.7.9 is the function that runs the backup scripts, but, there may have been some Visual Studio updates, or some dependencies, so hard to say exactly.

:brazil: feedback servers

Fiz uma alteração importante e limpei meu servidor instalando do zero e uma coisa que pode ajudar quem não estiver conseguindo iniciar o DSL é fazer a instalação do directx runtime atualizei a aba da wiki agora informando sobre esse componente importante, sem isso o DSL não irá abrir o servidor CMD :stuck_out_tongue:

Opps - I should have realized the If/else was in a loop testing each line!

Sending DM.

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Here is the error again this morning.


Edit: Add screenshot of actual Players tab content.


Edit: Screenshot about 1/2 hour after previous.

Edit: About 1/2 hour after last edit.

Edit: About 3 hours after last edit. The Player tab had not changed. I wondered what would happen if I joined the game so I did. At that point, the player tab recognized the previous player had disconnected but it does not show that I joined and, shortly after, disconnected.

Edit: The above was obtained because I was checking news about every half hour during that period of time. I have a dual monitor configuration so I had news on one and connected to the game server on the other. It is now about 04:37UTC. Looking at the player tab before going to bed, I see that it appears to be all caught up with all join/disconnect entries and proper player count displayed on the tab. When it caught up I do not know.

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Took a bit of time to get a new version, but hopefully that one will solve a few people’s requests.

1.7.10 (16 december 2024)

  • Added the server PID, version and branch in the DSL log file to help diagnosing issues between the DSL and server process
  • Added a check box to disable the built-in mod manager, so people can manage the mods themselves, like typically multiple DSL sharing the same mod folder
    Dedicated Server Launcher 1.7.10

So basically now there’s a check box on the mod manager (checked by default), and when disabled the DSL stopped processing mods: No deployments on SteamCMD, no generation of the modlist.txt, no check for new versions.

I wish everybody a nice winter break!


Hi ServerGuy! :slight_smile:
I was wondering if it would be possible to add what looks like a very simple feature, but that would HUGELY help the whole Conan community.
Would it be possible to manually set up separate hours for the daily restarts?
The issue is that is a server has 2 or more daily restarts, one of them will inevitably hit during peak play time of either EU or US time zone.
Currently, this issue has no solution, if not to only restart once per day, but that does impact the stability and performance of the server.

As a suggestion, if your code has to be based on this periodicity style: perhaps could you add a “Delay” option? Basically, the first restart would always happen at the hour of the day as selected, let’s call it time T1. I assume that for now, every further restart is calculated at being at time T2 = T1 + 24h/N, where N is the “number of restarts”.
With the “Delay” (D), the formula would be following restart, instead than being at time T2 = T1 + 24h/N + D.
This would allow, for example, to have 2 restarts, one at CET 5pm, and one at CET 9am, instead than the standard where a CET 5pm restart must be followed by a restart at CET 5am, which is EST 11pm and PST 9pm, still very much in the peak hours for US people.

I think it would be an amazing feature, appreciated by everyone :slight_smile:
Thank you for the already super helpful tool!

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Let say I add a delay box I guess the idea is that the first restart happens at the requested time (plus D * 0) the second restart is at D * 1, then D * 2, etc…

Right now the code does not really check if it’s the first restart or not, it’s just a modulo computation over a 24 hours period, so it does not know if it’s the first, second or third restart of the day.

I really need to think about it, the state machine is relatively messy and easy to break (and definitely lacks comments):

I see, it looks a bit convoluted, I don’t even see an actual restart function being called there (but maybe I am blind!) ^^’
Looks like that “secondsPerRunningSession” variable might be key, especially since it’s just SECONDS_PER_DAY / RestartPerDay. But adding multiple restarts would likely mean you need to turn that into an array, and not just a variable. I don’t really see the rest well so I dunno :frowning:
If you manage to do something to help the issue of restarts that inevitably hit either US or EU during their peak activity time though, I am sure everyone would benefit and be happy for it, whichever solution you might manage to find! :smiley:

It’s in another part of the code, that one just compute the data that’s used to display the various messages, etc…

I guess the key is to figure out if the next restart if the “first”, “second”, etc…

I’ll think about it, no guarantee about if/when that happens though!