Conan Exiles Dedicated Server Launcher (Official Version: 1.7.9 / Beta: ----)

I apologize for doing this as a reply to another issue. A minor problem has been spotted in the DSL and when I logged in to report it, I get no option for a new message: it looks like the forum does not permit the last poster in the topic to post a new item, just edit/delete/reply.

DSL has a tab for Players. The information is not always correct. There are no players in the game but the tab shows 1 player, and looking at the info log on the tab the last player to join is shown in game but not logged out after quitting.

Which version of the DSL?

1.7.8 now changed to 1.7.9 and will monitor but it is a bit hit and miss when I look at the server computer relative to when players get in/out of the game.

I went back to your 7 May post about the 6 May release of 1.7.9 and see none of the fixes should correct this.

Do you have any log filtering commands active?

The DSL is using the log content to know when people join or leave, so if some of these messages are filtered out, the DSL will miss the information.

I have not set any filters. Where do I look for them to see if there are any?

Feature request:

Add a 5 (maybe 10) second delay from the time DSL starts until it starts the server when the “Start server if not running” option is selected. That will give the server manager time to abort the startup if needed. I manually started DSL to do change some mods (a modder has discontinued 2 mods we use) and I had to wait for the whole startup sequence to run before I could stop the server to do my work.

I just caught the reverse: player tab shows no player in game when one is in.

Player tab log entry:

No player connected

Last player entry in Server Log tab:

[2024.10.01-20.30.37:070][125]LogServerStats: Status report. Uptime=19551 Mem=11524784128:33508188160:6445670400:6487924736 CPU=1.218900:29.253592 Players=1 FPS=22.54:33.34:71.17 NPC_AILOD=2:13:9:6616 B_AILOD=11:1:11:167 P_AILOD=34:1:1:1666

EDIT: about 35 minutes after initial post.

Players tab now shows 1 when there are 2 players in the game.

Edit 2: About 1 1/2 hours after edit, I am about to join the game but see the DSL before joining.

Players tab now shows 2 but only 1 is in game.

Edit 3: i joined the game 2-3 minutes after last edit.

Players now shows 1 player in game but there are 2 of us.

Edit 4:

player 3 got out of the game about an hour ago, I got out about 1/2 hour ago, player 2 still on server. The player tab shows 3 players in game while the server log shows 1.

Normally the Player tab shows all the join in and join out events extracted from the game server log.

It should be possible to compare both to see if some of the server log events are missing by the DSL.

I started a server using the dedicated server launcher the other day, since then its been great until i tried to change some mods on the server and now the mod list in the ui shows the correct mod id’s but when i start up the server it only loads the original mods i started the server with and acts like it isnt seeing the new mod id’s

i also tried putting the new mod list into the mods folder but it just changes it back to what it was before i changed it every time

If you have a valid modlist.txt, drag it on top of the DSL UI, it will parse it and use that as the new content.

You cannot directly change the modlist.txt in the server managed by the DSL because the DSL will generate it from its own content

if you are saying to drag it into the modlist text box on the DSL UI, i have done that it show’s the mod ID’s in the UI but it doesnt add them too the server when i hit save changes

I believe it does that only when you start the server, because that’s when it generates the update command for SteamCMD to download the mods.

Not fogotten. Some of us are now staying looged on to server even when AFK due to some game mechanics requiring an active player be in render range for server activity to continue in the area.

ya, that where my problem lies, i start up the server and go to join it and it shows that the mods are the same before i changed the mod list but in the DSL UI the mod id’s are still there for the new mods, but they aren’t there in game

:brazil: servers Conan Exiles pc pvp pve-c feedback

Você deve fazer as configurações para que seu windows não fique travado o DLS funciona perfeitamente sem problemas mesmo quando eu estava usando o DSL para servidor e jogar no mesmo computador não tive qualquer problema com a versão 1.7.9 @Toolguy fez um bom trabalho :+1:

Qualquer dúvida confira o manual que fiz muito detalhado sobre como usar e instalar o DSL porém todos os links da fandom irá apontar para esse forum aqui da funcom. Fiz a explicação por que no Brasil deve ser feito dessa forma para poder jogar on-line em qualquer servidor de Conan Exiles :aaaaaa:

:nicowl:Se estiver no Brasil confira o nome do servidor atual aberto para todos usando o mesmo DSL1.7.9

Here is a little CSS RESTYLE for the WebPage.

Create a folder called Html in the DedicatedServerLauncher folder.
inside create a style.css file and paste the below code inside. Restart and gg’s.

/* Reset e stili di base */
body {
    font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
    background-color: #1e1e1e;
    color: #e0e0e0;
    line-height: 1.6;
    margin: 0;
    padding: 20px;

/* Header */
.page-header {
    background-color: #2a2a2a;
    padding: 15px;
    margin-bottom: 20px;
    border-radius: 5px;

.page-header h1 {
    color: #4caf50;
    margin: 0;

/* Pulsanti */
button {
    background-color: #333;
    color: #fff;
    border: none;
    padding: 10px 15px;
    margin: 5px;
    border-radius: 3px;
    cursor: pointer;
    transition: background-color 0.3s;

button:hover {
    background-color: #444;

.logout {
    background-color: #f44336;
    float: right;

.logout:hover {
    background-color: #d32f2f;

/* Sezioni */
.server-details, .os-info, .server-status {
    background-color: #2a2a2a;
    padding: 15px;
    margin-bottom: 20px;
    border-radius: 5px;

h2 {
    color: #4caf50;
    margin-top: 0;

ul {
    list-style-type: none;
    padding: 0;

li {
    margin-bottom: 10px;

.label {
    font-weight: bold;
    color: #bbb;

/* Pulsanti di azione */
.option-restart-server {
    background-color: #ff9800;

.option-restart-server:hover {
    background-color: #f57c00;

.option-stop-server {
    background-color: #f44336;

.option-stop-server:hover {
    background-color: #d32f2f;

/* Responsive design */
@media (max-width: 600px) {
    body {
        padding: 10px;

    .server-details, .os-info, .server-status {
        padding: 10px;

Well, you need to go step by step.
I did a check on a brand new install of the DSL:

Installed DSL 1.7.9 and did a couple changes (name, etc...) and "Saved Changes"
Checked E:\DownloadsDedicatedServerLauncher\ConanExilesDedicatedServer\ConanSandbox\Mods and saw that "modlist.txt" is 0 bytes long
Added 880454836 (Pippi) to the Mod List field in the UI
modlist.txt is still 0 bytes, copied the file somewhere else for later use
Start server
Steam CMD patching starts
modlist.txt now contains E:\Downloads\DedicatedServerLauncher\ConanExilesDedicatedServer\steamapps\workshop\content\440900\880454836\Pippi.pak, copied for later
Stopped the server
Drop the empty modlist.txt of earlier on the UI -> "Are you sure you want to set '' as your new mod list" and press YES
Save Changes
Deployed the server and got an empty modlist.txt
Stop the server
Removed the 880454836\Pippi.pak folder from the server
Drop back the non empty modlist.txt on the UI -> "Are you sure you want to set '880454836' as your new mod list" and press YES
Save Changes
Start server
Steam CMD patching starts
- Downloading item 880454836 ...
- Success. Downloaded item 880454836 to "e:\downloads\dedicatedserverlauncher\conanexilesdedicatedserver\steamapps\workshop\content\440900\880454836" (26668482 bytes) Logging off current session...

To diagnose this type of issue you need to go step by step and check the files, and the various logs, specially the SteamCMD phase because that’s where the mods get downloaded, check if the content matches your modlist.

Got it. Per TimeAndDate, it is now 17:10 UTC with the players tab showing 1 player and the bottom info banner also showing 1 player connected.

I sanitized the player tab and log file information to remove identifying info.

Here is the player tab:

Players currently connected

  • player1
    [2024.10.07-07.55.46:780][306]LogNet: Login request: userId:
    [2024.10.07-07.55.47:269][319]LogFuncomLiveServices:Display: VerifyIdentity Completed: PlayFabId - PlatformId - .
    [2024.10.07-07.55.48:710][361]LogNet: Join succeeded: player1
    [2024.10.07-14.10.06:571][463]LogNet: Login request: userId:
    [2024.10.07-14.10.07:010][472]LogFuncomLiveServices:Display: VerifyIdentity Completed: PlayFabId - PlatformId - .
    [2024.10.07-14.10.10:272][570]LogNet: Join succeeded: roamin
    [2024.10.07-14.16.42:915][252]LogNet: Player disconnected: roamin
    [2024.10.07-14.18.52:632][109]LogNet: Login request: userId:
    [2024.10.07-14.18.53:034][121]LogFuncomLiveServices:Display: VerifyIdentity Completed: PlayFabId - PlatformId - .
    [2024.10.07-14.18.54:878][175]LogNet: Join succeeded: roamin
    [2024.10.07-14.44.09:060][200]LogNet: Player disconnected: roamin


Here is the tail end of ConanSandbox.log (used the DSL button to open file location) snagged a few minutes before this post.:

[2024.10.07-16.43.06:167][644]LogNet: Player disconnected: player1

[2024.10.07-16.43.06:167][644]LogNet: UChannel::Close: Sending CloseBunch. ChIndex == 0. Name: [UChannel] ChIndex: 0, Closing: 0 [UNetConnection] RemoteAddr:, Player name: player1

[2024.10.07-16.43.06:214][645]LogDreamworld:Error: GetPlayerId could not return a valid UID! Player may be logged out!

[2024.10.07-16.43.06:215][645]LogScriptCore:Warning: Script Msg: Attempted to access index 4 from array K2Node_CustomEvent_MessageParams of length 2!

[2024.10.07-16.43.10:165][760]LogPhysics:Warning: Initialising Body : Scale3D is (nearly) zero:

[2024.10.07-16.43.46:475][843]LogServerStats: Status report. Uptime=34280 Mem=3644362752:33508188160:7079342080:7172239360 CPU=0.243782:5.850760 Players=0 FPS=12.36:33.54:167.76 NPC_AILOD=0:0:0:6670 B_AILOD=0:0:0:204 P_AILOD=0:0:0:2095

[2024.10.07-16.44.46:486][627]LogServerStats: Status report. Uptime=34339 Mem=3716390912:33508188160:7075045376:7172239360 CPU=1.218908:29.253799 Players=0 FPS=31.70:33.56:169.03 NPC_AILOD=0:0:0:6670 B_AILOD=0:0:0:204 P_AILOD=0:0:0:2095

[2024.10.07-16.44.59:235][ 5]LogOutputDevice:Display: Bug report upload completed with result code 200, took 0.562 seconds.

[2024.10.07-16.45.46:497][413]LogServerStats: Status report. Uptime=34398 Mem=3726561280:33508188160:7074226176:7172239360 CPU=0.253267:6.078414 Players=0 FPS=24.05:33.52:168.61 NPC_AILOD=0:0:0:6670 B_AILOD=0:0:0:204 P_AILOD=0:0:0:2095

[2024.10.07-16.46.46:492][197]LogServerStats: Status report. Uptime=34456 Mem=3717423104:33508188160:7074308096:7172239360 CPU=0.487560:11.701436 Players=0 FPS=22.70:33.55:163.92 NPC_AILOD=0:0:0:6670 B_AILOD=0:0:0:204 P_AILOD=0:0:0:2095

[2024.10.07-16.47.46:477][980]LogServerStats: Status report. Uptime=34515 Mem=3672702976:33508188160:7106781184:7172239360 CPU=0.242873:5.828946 Players=0 FPS=27.16:33.56:164.49 NPC_AILOD=0:0:0:6670 B_AILOD=0:0:0:204 P_AILOD=0:0:0:2095

[2024.10.07-16.48.46:475][765]LogServerStats: Status report. Uptime=34574 Mem=3685826560:33508188160:7073173504:7172239360 CPU=0.244697:5.872738 Players=0 FPS=29.95:33.53:174.45 NPC_AILOD=0:0:0:6670 B_AILOD=0:0:0:204 P_AILOD=0:0:0:2095

[2024.10.07-16.49.46:470][547]LogServerStats: Status report. Uptime=34633 Mem=3694137344:33508188160:7073681408:7172239360 CPU=0.245620:5.894882 Players=0 FPS=29.96:33.59:170.25 NPC_AILOD=0:0:0:6670 B_AILOD=0:0:0:204 P_AILOD=0:0:0:2095

So the “[2024.10.07-16.43.06:167][644]LogNet: Player disconnected: player1” is present in the server log but somehow did not make it to the DSL players tab?

No player join or leave is logged after 14:44.09 in the Players tab?

Correct - the entire contents of the player tab is given in the post, and all the lines from the end of the server log file starting with the line showing when the last player exited.

The server and player tabs blink about every 4-5 seconds when the contents are being uipdated