Conan had a surge in december

Its forced long-winded… And not a good one, as there is practically NO NEW content.
Will I ever bring an archer or dancer to level20? Probably not, If it needs several days for me.

If I could do that in 2 UC runs, I would already have them…

They need for the thralls are kinda different in PvP and in PvE. But my or lets say PvE players time is worth the same as PvP players.

So why should I deal with that stupid mechanic? If I could level up a thrall to level20 with 2 UC runs, I would have done that quite often…

Until Lvl10 its also quite fast at PvE. Hence why I have so many >lvl 10 and only 3 at Lvl20.

Running the same content over and over again and that only for XP, is not fun… Currently I am quite slow at leveling up, because I make New Asagarth runs to get the Chieftain armorer.

And for one quy I wrote with, this was also the reason for quitting… His time is not less worth as PvP. Why should we bother with this crap mechanic? For the spanish friend (who gave me all his loot yesterday) it was the bad horse experience in PvE and thrall leveling being to much of a work than fun.

Edit: Made an own thread about this XP setting Change the XP modifier for PvE official servers to be the same as PvP