Did you ever fight a corrupted sabertooth?
He ripped my bearer to 4-5k (from 9k)… and then I helped him.
When I was fresh lvl 60, I was just running away from them, while I was farming starmetal.
Did you ever fight a corrupted sabertooth?
He ripped my bearer to 4-5k (from 9k)… and then I helped him.
When I was fresh lvl 60, I was just running away from them, while I was farming starmetal.
wolves in general are kind of OP for its level, they are very anoying… but i like those corrupted ones, there should be more, more corrupted creatures everywhere, it’s a corrupted land anyway…
C-Wolves are fine… nothing like thinking your Boss murdering his pals. And then you lose that chunk of health and you start freaking out. And you climb to top of rock.
then you look down at them eyes… staring into your soul.
you know then and there, you dun **** up.
Its you or him… as it stares into your soul… hope begins to fade… night begin to fall…
\Time hop down from that little safe spot and run like little girl, or face it face to face as it stares into your soul, and readys it for dinner.
They are one of worst enemies, in a Good way.
2 thumbs up just for this self reflection of what you got yourself into.
Those wolves have been some of my best moments on CE, Specially when your standing on something staring it down.
One of better moments, is finding 2 of them in same spot… Theres bumping into Blue Eye’d Enemy of so many types, and it isnt a issue… till you meet one of these little guys. XD
Brings me back to my lower level days running as fast as possible zigzag pattern across the north my little heart racing
I do agree : Corrupted wolves are nuts! Yesterday, I was hunting with my T4 bearer in full heavy armor while I was also wielding really good weapons, and the wolf came from nowhere, downed my dude to 2/3 of his life, and it’s the amount of punishment that he usually take after fighting 2 world boss or after around 10 dragons and a big number of other big creatures.
You are right however, the wolf don’t need a nerf but something different that will balance him : be larger, do attacks a bit slower or new combos.
BTW : After hundred of hours in game, in never found a corrupted sabertooth, but i imagine he is also crazy for what i can tell, and what applies to the wolf also applies to him.
I’ve posted about this before myself. The Corrupted Wolf needs–nay, deserves–a 3-skull rating. And given that it hits as hard as the Red Mother but with the speed of a wolf, it damn near qualifies for a 4-skull. It’s insane. I had a Greater Bear pet that could solo sabretooths and mammoths, but this thing ate it like a buttered croissant.
Who need skulls in there health bar, when you see them eyes staring you down. XD
i fought one today, i was using encumbrance build as i was gathering stone and with me there was a t4 bearer in heavy armor (non-epic dark templar), i was carrying a shield and a javelin as weapons, and he had a simple steel spear, i never took damage but the bearer had about 1/3 of his life left at the end.
wasn’t so bad, i would say they are just fine, actually, there should be more.
I think there kinda fine as is.
You dont find them, they find you deals. To me its just abit more real… you dont really see them, and its kinda nice to just get the “holy monkey *** crackers!!”
OH GOD!! why Crom!! WHY!
They can be abit hard spot during wrong time of day, and thats kinda what makes them so awesome… your like oh a wolf. pew pew
Oh no… oh god no. XD
By time your that far north… you should be in the ok… (thou, I was always in favor of turning down wolves hp in general) they are some tanky little puppies…
Ya, sabertooths in general are the ones that get me… I have pretty 99% safe route to north at very low levels to get black ice and stuff… there always that one behind tree, or snow mound that just gets off bleed 1st hit… and its like. Well… can’t climb no more.
Time find safe spot to bleed to death… or cliff. XD
Be happy… If you think a corrupted wolf is hard… Oh, boi… Just run when you see it
You’re going to feed a thrall you don’t particularly like to the critter for science, aren’t you?
“So, Dave. You’ve served me for quite long now, right?”
“Yus’m. Um, one, two… umm, four months.”
“And you like animals, right?”
“Yus’m, dey’re cute. An’ some are tasty.”
“All right. As a reward for your loyal service, I’ll take you with me to the northlands. We’ll go looking for sabertooth cubs.”
“Aw gee, ma’m. Thanks! I really 'preciate dis.”
Some time later
“Hey, ma’m. I think I saw one. Err, how big are dem cub s’posed to be?”
Last words of a Hyborian Exile I
Blockquote Or you do what you did first in the exiled lands: Flee, climb on a rock and cover it with arrows until it looks like a porcupine
That’s exactly what I do. It’s not a deadly wolf, it’s a potential porcupine! lol
I do agree they need a nerf for normal combat though, they’re too OP.
I would rather see more creatures raised to its level personally.
I think corrupted wolves should be REDUCED in size… To a wolf PUP. Make it a terrifying yet adorable freak of nature.
I never met the corrupted wolf but yesterday I was killed by the corrupted sabretooth. AT night north of the Mound, B-C 12 on the map, I was attacked by 1 bear, 4 sabretooth and the corrupted sabretooth. I never has any chances to dodge and run away, they killed me in 3 seconds. I didn’t saw or heard them coming, not even the in game music warned me.
you know what this game really, really needs?
Corrupted rabits