Curious: Suggestion forum vs General Discussion

So I’m just curious, why is it some forum members seem to insist on posting their suggestions in General Discussion, and others want to come into Suggestions to post stuff that should rightly be in General Discussion.

‘Regular’ members used to be able to clean that up, I know I occasionally used that to move things that had been posted in the wrong place. That functionality went away quite a while ago though, probably to create a clearer divide between Funcom-mandated moderators/staff and members.

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way to ruin a meme guys

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75% of suggestions are not suggestions, they are demands. That’s why ‘suggestion’ posts just end up as big fights and b****fests. People confuse ‘suggestion’ with ‘whine about something I don’t like’.

Occasionally, legitimate suggestions are posted because universal forum rules demand that posts be placed in the wrong category at least 90% of the time.

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And speaking of off topic, can I add my frustration with another post I saw today about the stupid censors on this forum? I can’t type b****fest without the moronic asterisks? What is this preschool BS?

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