Current Bugs & Issues Pt. 2

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Just like a build on official, i will keep refreshing these posts, Perhaps you folks at FC should publish a letter detailing the top 10 fixes and a timeframe otherwise its just smoke and mirrors until Dune either makes you a sickening amount of revenue or it completely bombs because of forced pvp in a survival game. Kiki managed to do a better job at sorting your problems in an organized fashion than whomever is responsible currently. There are plenty of issues to sort through. You have some stuff to fix and these lists should keep the 3 over-worked devs busy for the rest of the year.

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Oh yes. There is one more bug that I detected on march 2022 regarding the nudity option.

This option will switch off nudity if you log out from single player to online or from online to single player.

In other words if you log out from single player via main menu to leave for online, the bug will switch off the nudity for online or if you switch from online via main menu to single the nudity will switch off.

This bug can be easily taken care of and bypassed. What a player needs to do is to close the app upon entering main menu after log out from single player or online and open the app back on to go to their destination.

With this latest update, I also noticed I did not have to re-map the buttons.

I’ll be reviewing the bugs vs. hotfix soon.

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Updated, wanted to wait a few days to see if there were more fixes or issues presented.

You’ve already noted the inability for gate frames to be placed at 90 degree angles, but the bug extends to any ‘corner’ - the gate frames can only be made adjacent if they’re also parallel since (I believe) summer 2023.


Sorry I have weekend morning brain, I’m having trouble visualizing what you mean.

90 degree angle would be the corner of a cube foundation. If you have (for example) a floor of wedge foundations, you also cannot place the gates at a corner (say 120 degrees, a corner created by two wedge foundations next to each other). Likewise with any other possibility - a row of wedges leading to a row of cubes creates a 150 degree corner, and you also cannot place a gate frame at either side of that corner.

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AHHHH thanks for explaining, ok, so touching at any angle

Refreshing for now, will update soon.