Dear Unhappy customers

And yet, after all the complaining people have done over the years about the lack of moderation on official servers, they finally did add the new rules and have a procedure in place for reporting infractions.

Is it a perfect system? No. Is it a good system? Not sure. Is it better than before? Definitely.

I admire their faith, too, even more so when I’ve seen that it actually can bring change.


I almost thought this was a paid advertisement thread…

My thoughts on Funcom.
I reported a player on an official server for walling off obelisks. I’m assuming other players reported him/her as well. 10 weeks later, the walled obelisks are still there and the player is still there.
It doesn’t matter if the game is good or not. If you won’t police your own game then nothing at all matters. Oh yeah, and the Ping exploiters. Months and months of unplayable servers, hooray!!!
Funcom has a rich history of repeating these same mistakes. (Don’t fix anything, and when you do fix something make sure you break 3 other things along the way, and then go on vacation!) If you’ve played any other Funcom game, you know what I’m talking about.

Funcom is a public company. Public companies care about the shareholders, not the customers.
Regardless, I’m certain Funcom is grateful to anyone who pays for dlc skins. They need $$$ for their next game.

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On PVE-C servers it’s impossible to destroy other players building but it’s possible on PVP servers. Funcom must do something on PVE-C servers while on PVP servers it’s up to the players to do something.

PVE 1520. Check it out. It’s the obelisk in the jungle by The Passage. (Last I looked, it was still walled off on June 28th)

Yes Halk, I reported the violation in the correct manner to the correct people with the correct information.
I followed the instructions perfectly. Screenshots. Names. Server. Blood types. And astrological signs.

But honestly, I don’t even care anymore. I have 100% given up on Funcom. I only have myself to blame. I promised myself I would never play another Funcom product again after Age of Conan, and yet here I am years later in Conan Exiles dealing with the same BS. I guess I’m the dummy here.

Anyway, good luck to all. You will need it with Funcom.

They must be real busy. I posted violations on the 24th of June. The person on the other end said need proof. I uploaded pictures on the 26th, and no one has looked at them yet.
The clan has expanded its blockade, making horse travel impossible.
Meanwhile, nothing is done. There are 2 clans doing it now. Kids have nothing better to do but grieve, and we bend over and take it.

Absolutely false.


Great company in my own opinion. I stand with you

And there you have it, ladies and gentlemen. It’s possible to be a bigot even when it comes to things that have nothing to do with race, gender or ethnicity, but simply what server you choose to play on.

Now I’ve seen everything.


I play on official, must be cause of my massive mustashe then. Also, give more mustashe options for chars.


It saddens me, bu I have to disagree with you here.

When Funcom introduced there “new guidelines” I made a post where I said that this new rules are not worth anything on the paper if they are not able to enforce them in a timely manor.

Since then very little has been done from Funcoms side to stop the griefing, undermeshing and cheating on official servers. I am afraid, this guidelines are meant to calm down the invenstors, to show them, hey look we are a professional company, we even have guidelines. Its more or less fake. They may ban people for a certain time if reports stack too high, but unless this is the case they just leave it like it was before.

Its the same behaviour for example valve does with cs:go. First they force the games to become free, then they earn a lot of money trough steam (itemshop, dlcs, advertisements, events like the summer sales etc pp). But then when it comes to support they fail massivly.

Do you know how many of thoose people I reported for cheating in cs:go got actually banned after I played for almost 2k hours? 2 people. And do you know how much people I have seen wall- or aimhacking over that period of time? It has gone so far, that the cheaters/hackers have popular youtube channel now where they show other people how to do it too without getting caught. They laugh about this so called guidelines because they know they are not worth the paper they are written on. I gave up on spending my time reporting.

And as if this is not bad enough you then get this “fanboys” on top for free. This people that spend their time pretending as if this big shareholder companies that only care for the money and their shareholders are charitys. That they care for your needs and hold you dear as a customer. When in fact they aren´t.

Gaming as a serious hobby? Some years ago, people were laughing about that statement. Gamers where called “nerds”. Nerds that spend their free time for doing virtuell nonsense. Until some smart as… figured out that you can make a lot of money out of all this “nerds”. And they did and became more greedy and more ruthless over the time. And so did the cheaters and hackers community. They became so big, because the smart as… do not care about destroying other peoples hobbies as long as the money floats.

Honestly, I kinda think that both parties deserve each other. Its just sad that the people that really does care for the gaming community stand in the middle of all of this.

Thanks. But what’s Funcom Live Service ? I don’t think it exists on PS4.

I doubt that. Funcom was acquired by Tencent in January. The new rules were published in April.

Maybe. Or maybe they just have too few people with too little time dedicated to that. I can’t say for sure, because I don’t know. I don’t have access to that kind of information, and neither do you, so we can only speculate. And I’m not really in the mood to speculate that much.

All I was saying in the post you replied to is that the hope for change is something we don’t need to discourage. It might be what they call “a fool’s hope”, but it’s not bad to hope and to ask for change.

I’ve seen countless people complain about the lack of moderation on official servers. I was one of those who used to reply to them calmly, explaining why things were the way the were: Conan Exiles does not use a subscription model, and the money for moderation has to come from somewhere, and there are thousands of servers to moderate. And you know what? It’s fine to try to explain that to people, there’s nothing wrong with that.

But it’s completely gratuitous to try to use that to discourage them from asking for change, or to use it to make some weird point about how “official server players are detrimental to the game” in an argument that twists logic into a pretzel.

So yeah, I get what you’re trying to say. I understand that you’re not satisfied with what we have now. And I agree with you that it could and should be much better. But you’re barking up the wrong tree: my post wasn’t meant to say that we’re all fine now, but rather that we shouldn’t discourage people from hoping and asking for change, because change can happen.


And should!

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Here we go again.

Go ahead and speculate why.

Go ahead and explain precisely how private servers clean up their communities.


Careful, @hel may take your post as a “Fanboy” post that encourages a business to…gulp-dare I say…make decisions on bringing in money.

Let me tell you a little story. Before moving to the United States, I spent some time living in Chile. Some things there are similar, but some are very, very different.

One of the differences is that people in the capital drive like crazy. Nobody gives a damn about the speed limit, unless you’re driving under it, in which case you’ll get honked at and flipped off. If you want to change lanes, you better not signal that, because the driver in the destination lane will make sure to close the gap, so you can’t fit in there anymore. If you’re a pedestrian and you’re crossing the street when the walk sign is on, you better still look both ways, just in case. Likewise if you’re driving through an intersection during the green light – better be aware of pedestrians, because they might choose to cross anyway.

In contrast, drivers in my part of the United States might make a few clueless mistakes, but they’re well behaved on average. You have to be careful about speeding, because you never know when you might get fined by a cop. At the beginning of the school year, the cops will usually set up near some schools and proceed to stop and fine everyone they catch going over 20 mph. Hell, I even got fined for jaywalking once.

In case my little story didn’t enlighten you, I’ll explain my point. I’ll use small words, too, so you’ll be able to follow the argument.

When there are no rules, some people do whatever they want. When there are rules, but they aren’t enforced, same thing happens. When there are rules and they get enforced, people start behaving. The knowledge that the rules are enforced becomes itself a deterrent. After a while, you don’t even need to do much to enforce the rules, because people know that breaking them will lead to a punishment.

Official servers had no rules until very recently. And now that they have rules, they’re not enforced very well. In contrast, private servers are known to have rules and admins that enforce them. They have a reputation for being enforced.

Enforcing the rules depends on having the means to enforce them. You claim that the official server players “cannot even clean up” their communities is flawed, because they have no means to do so, whereas private server admins do.

Now, this explanation would have been good enough for anyone arguing in good faith. But I’ve seen your measure on these forums, so I’m harboring no illusions that it will change your mind, your superiority complex, or indeed any other aspect of your petty, spiteful personality. The only reason I engaged in the first place is because I think that no matter how futile the gesture, calling you out is worth doing in and of itself.


Not all official servers are bad and not all players on officials are exploiters and cheats. Your comments suggest that you are not a nice person, sweeping statements like the ones you use tend to give a bad impression.

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There are a lot of issues with admin abuse on privat servers and in my opinion a lot of people wouldn´t even play on privat servers when Funcom would provide active adminsupport on their official servers. But since they don´t people are forced to either deal with the cheaters and abusers on official or with the admin abuses on privat. You pratically choose between pest and cholera and wish that you will survive and be ok somehow.


So if we’re going to use this as an anology. What kind of people are drawn to the US vs Chile? That is the point I’ve been making for the last two years.

Do you undermesh? Probably not. Do you cheat? Probably not. Do you exploit? There’s somethings you likely do that wouldn’t be allowed on non-officials. Maybe something as dire as that thrall dmg to building thing, or something as benign as taking advantage of a Lifeblood Spear or other unbalanced weapon. You know nothing that would get you banned on officials because it was a goof on the dev’s part. Its totally ‘fair game’ right? Or maybe you don’t do any of those behaviors. Maybe you find someone in a noob hut and blow it to hell and strip them down. Its fair game after all.

There is a reason you are drawn to the official servers and its not because they have rules. And for many, its because they don’t/didn’t have rules. You’ve been here a minute, as you said, they didn’t rules originally. And you chose to play there even still.

So lets review a little bit of history here much of which we’ve covered thusfar. When the official servers started, they had no rules. They even came with a caveat that they would not have them and would largely be unregulated.

That attracted a certain kind of player. Some worse than others. But I remember 2 years ago the reasons why people wanted to play there. It was because there was no regulation. For the sake of argument, lets say some of you were naive to the consequences of that. Which is why rules were asked for.

Fast forward a bit to just a few months ago when they were added. These forums got littered with people complaining about bans. Maybe alot of false positives, maybe alot of dirtbags getting what they deserve. Either way some enforcement was happening.

But if you look at the forums today you’d think they stopped. Well there could only be two reasons for that. They’re either back logged. Or they’ve shifted resources. Either one doesn’t look very promising for that subsection of the community.

The former means they are not learning to behave themselves. The latter means the official days are numbered.

There’s another advantage to playing on the servers I do. I don’t have to worry about the playerbase eating itself alive. Which is what yours is doing. And either Funcom is either overwhelmed by it, or doesn’t think its worth it.

In your opinion which one do you think it is?