Decay mechanic bugged - 6 months of building up on pvp server gone

This issue hasn’t existed since 2017, and it’s not a decay timer issue. We’ve already established and determined it is some kind of foundation stability bug introduced in 2.7 (At least the people posting here, who are having entire single buildings collapse)

Any news about this bug?
Abo for my servers is running out in 9 days and for no updates on the current situation or fix ETA I don’t think I will extend the runtime of any of the servers.

Still hoping there will be a fix for this in the next patch

Keeping this thing alive. Haven’t gotten any responses in some time from funcom.

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Have you guys resolved the issue yet? if not I will not return to the game until its fixed.

Will /bump this until resolved or answered for… something besides “we are aware”…how about “we are working on a fix”.


never give up !!! hahaha

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“We are currently working on our next big update and we hoping to be able to introduce some improvements to this issue as well.”

I don’t know why this wasn’t posted here by the devs… Whether it will actually fix it, I don’t know. But Ill hold onto it.

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improvements doesnt = fix

just means they hope it will happen less often

Has this been addressed and corrected yet? I refuse to return to the game until it has.


  1. We just have fourth episode about a base loosing stability on our server.

  2. The decay timer is also messed up.

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I msg zendesk no help there. What i noticed is for that the log also had no info at all past that date, so im guessing its a server host glitch or something, for me it was on siptah AND on EL. so thats weird.

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I’m done, this is game breaking. I refreshed 2-3 days ago, log in today all builds are gone on EL.

Hello guys :relaxed:
We had the same problem on our private server. It also seemed to happen only to certain characters after server restarts, if they recently built or adjusted something at their base. One friends base vanished 3 times!

This issue started for us with the “grave matters” event and thankfully ended with it.

Until now no more bases decayed, just decoration, that randomly gets detached from the building decay timer.

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So has this been fixed yet or not? I wont play this game anymore until they address this.

This happened to me as stated above, to save my all leveled lvl 20 thralls i logged in and quickly put down a bed, fridges and some blocks where my old base was.

Zendesk gifts me a 7 day ban for building abuse?

Merry xmas

hello guys, something is not right and I have the evidence. As you can see, yesterday I was connected to the game, I joined the game the next day and a warning appears saying “your reinforced stone foundations will decay”

The demolition time is supposed to be longer in the summer, guys, I don’t see how I’m going to spend so much time on this game if then everything gets demolished due to a game error

I’m really leaning towards the thought, they dont care anymore.

i think they gave up bro.