Decay timer is bugged

Ive been watching a square sandstone foundation “base” if you could even call it that, and it should be decayed right now. Ive been watching it very closely for days because i want to build in their location. but now when im about to destroy the base, the timer has just reset to 72 hours suddenly, what the heck. Can someone help me with this

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It’s not the decay timer. The decay timer system is working properly.

The problem is a bug with players who log out. For some reason, when players disconnect, they do not properly finish whatever subroutine to tell the server that they are no longer there. Therefore - the server thinks that they are still logged in.

As such, if you find their bodies, they will be in the “swimming through midair” animation instead of laying on the floor, sleeping. Because the players are incorrectly marked as “online” when they are actually offline, their buildings do not decay.

Funcom either 1) does not know about this bug, and does not care… or 2) does know about this bug, and does not care.

Tell me I’m wrong here, @Community . @AndyB is too busy admiring the purple tentacle beast to even pay attention to this kind of stuff.


It checks out, i did see their character just swimming mid air the other day. This sucks though, I just waited 3 days for nothing. Im guessing i cant get this removed huh?

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If you are able to kill the “swimming in midair” player, it will seem to rectify the issue. It forces them to respawn - and if they aren’t connected, they do not immediately respawn, which seems to go and fix their flagging to the correct “offline” switch. I’ve noted many times that once the “swimming in midair” player has been killed, the decay timer will immediately begin counting down the way you expected it to.

If you are on PvP server, that’s no problem. PvE might make a more difficult proposition. There are things you can do to injure a player using outside forces, but I cannot endorse those as they are considered exploitative. If you cannot precipitate a kill on the player in question, you may want to see about opening a Zendesk ticket (


thank you, i just sent a ticket. Wish me luck

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Made a full report last week with the same conclusion

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I did not know about this, glad I decided to randomly read this thread. Thanks again Cauthey.

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They do not care. As this bug has been around for 7+ years.

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