Game mode:[ Select one: Online official] Type of issue:[ Select one: Bug] Server type: [ Select one: PvE-Conflict] Region:[ America 3829 ] Hardware:[ PS4 Pro ]
*Mount a horse near a wall or structure. Then dismount it and get stuck between the horse and structure. You won’t be able to jump or mount the horse or anything. The only fix is to remove your bracelet. *
It’s the Unnamed City. Walls are climbable, unable to have a thrall or horse guard in the Unnamed City. That was the Red Mother that is dead there. As you’re pinned in the wall you cannot jump. All you can do is roll without moving. It doesn’t matter where this is done. Honestly it is fun when you do it against a door or gate because you can’t even open the door/gate. If you get it at just the right angle, you can even glitch under the map and snipe other players without them even knowing where you are. Great exploit from an annoying bug.