Do people know any other open world survival games like Conan exiles

That’s due to 24/7 pvp. At times I wish CE had 24/7 pvp on officials, but I won’t digress on it.

ARK has very low harvest rates unless you are alpha and have a base to farm daily. Usually that means you are the target for the harvest.

CE doesn’t force us to go nomad.

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Exactly this. Exactly. We say that we have bugs and low performance especially in Playstation 4, yet these was not missing from the other games too and I can easily say it was worst. I can surely speak about titles that they were perfect in my console, simply perfect, yet they were not survival games :man_shrugging:.

@drachenfeles, yes who said that you need triangle pieces to fix a decent thatch cabin? All you need is taste and train that this game provided as, I learned how to build decent in Conan and that’s a fact!

@Dzonatas I have seen pvp videos in ark, a man in a boat wiping all the damn server in 2 hours, wyverns are really op in this game. This is exactly what I hated on ark, I wasn’t a warrior but the beast master, no thanks.
I gear up and I can solo without followers the whole map in Conan exiles because I have fighting options, I am the hero, not my wyvern either my Rex.


Don`t know what u mean by 3rd person.

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3rd person you see your toon fighting, walking, farming, whatever , first person you see just the scopes, the hands and the tools not your toon or character, you name it.
If you are old gamer I say the first person games Doom style.

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Yes u can.

Ok I got it thanks.

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V Rising is like league of legends had a the baby with da Conan

Two suggestions from me:

  1. Last Oasis - one of the most unique survival pvp games out there with a brilliant Walker system. It basically started strong then mostly died with a pretty toxic population. Why do i recommend it? The devs are in the process of basically overhauling the entire game. In a recent post theyve recognised that going in with a strong pvp emphasis/focus has been to the detriment of the entire game and this upcoming 5th season overhauls the game from scratch, and has a huge emphasis on pve. Really recommend keeping an eye on this.

  2. Atlas - basically a pirated skinned version of ARK but can be quite surprisingly good. Raising it now as it’s about to be wiped on May 18th as it goes into the industrial age. Worth checking out - fresh wipes always result in a few months of good gameplay.

Welll all multiplayer games - u need to have friends, but well if u dont have then humankind is best xD developer is one guy who was making assassin creed until creed boss got greed and peed on dev who then left to make better game :smiley: only there is kinda not much to craft and u only need to survive XD but when monkes start to sharpen sticks, they turn apex :smiley:

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That sounds like something to keep an eye on, thanks.

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Imagine that, a PvP focused game being made more PvE friendly to draw in more players and provide a less toxic environment. Imagine if developers paid attention to the history of PvP games and just skipped making PvP games altogether.

On another note and probably one of the main reasons Conan Exiles has been rather stagnant with updates is because Funcom is working on their new Dune games and one of them is basically Conan Exiles in the Dune universe.

Funcom Dune Sandbox MMO


Theyre not abandoning pvp - far from it, it’s heavily a pvp game. They just realised that to create a healthier pvp enviornment, the pve side of things needs to be on point also.

I would like to see CE in first person in a VR headset.

I was thinking of Green Hell, but it seemed so lonely without other players.

Resident Evil 4 VR is proof the immersion works really good. Saints and Sinners also works well.

Note that in VR headsets, you can look and move independently of each other. Using the mouse means you loose the independent action between the two. In fact, any game that is not made for VR moves to the bottom of my naughty list. Football in full VR headset has become interesting.

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When I have the chance I play a lot of hours, especially Saturday nights. I still have a prejudice or a fear about VR. I don’t know if it is possible to wear these headset for 8 straight hours. I don’t know, is it safe?

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VR is like monitor turned straight to eyes, its like looking into monitor from 2 cm away or something like that in distance… u need even more breaks from that, i think i once tryed the very new set, when it went live like years ago in some gaming store, damn after 10 minutes i feeled dizzy and could not stand normally, i can imagine if u sit to it like in work station 8 hours. 1 year u loose depth field in eyes… probably this is reason why i dont have VR … :smiley: its like staring at images from small distance and it can break eyes for sure :smiley: so i will wait till vr evolves like pc screens to flat not bubble :smiley:


Wait… there are other games than CE?



People do work and develop with VR headsets, so there is that number of straight hours. I have yet to find people binging on VR headsets.

Any VR game can be turned into one that requires the headset. VR is just the symbol of immersion. There is the Vorpx hack.

I have two headsets, one that links directly with the PC and the meta standalone. I don’t wear them more than three hours at a time. Battery time matters. The meta comes with a silicon skin, which is more comfortable than molded foam.

I’ll try Green Hell later today.


I came from Life is Feudal mmo when it closed on jan 2018, it was a good game had a fun time, had a good castle and aways wondered that it could have AI guards on the walls. In CE i found it. I think that we could have caravans and carts in CE and also can have a cargo animal and a thrall at same time.

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