Dodge & Momentum setting for PvE vs PvP

I ended up reaching the final chamber on my first test run of the Sunken City. I had planned on just taking a look at the scenery and familiarize myself with the place, but I ended up clearing a lot of it without much trouble (except the Half-Child, who I decided to skip after getting nearly killed) so decidedto try and finish it.

Unfortunately most of my weapons were almost broken by the time I found myself in the no-retreat chamber because I had tried so very hard to kill the Half-child. So I had to finish the fight with whatever random sub-par sharp objects I had with me. Luckily for me I managed to pull the final boss into a spot where the respawning minions wouldnā€™t aggro or I wouldā€™ve surely perished down there.

I havenā€™t got into any serious fights after the dodge update, but Iā€™ve fought a few NPCs and critters in light armor and havenā€™t felt tha the change is disastrous. I may yet change my mind when I get to the Wine Cellar skeletors who can one-hit people, but so far Iā€™m okay with the change.


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