Does anyone else punch their benches, workstations, loot boxes, etc…or is it just me:rofl:
Punch them? Why? I’m assuming you mean you accidentally punch them when you mean to select them?
Yeah happens all the time.
Yes it does. I try and sit my controller across my phone to keep the shoulder buttons off my chair. Of course we do it with controller in hand. @UncleWillie56
Every time my friend wanted to invite me to the clan, he’d walk up and punch me in the face.
Bump punch.
It’s a rule in our bases that there’s no punching, kicking or swinging weapons inside the base.
If you wanna be a showboating sword swinger, outside with ya!
But I also play PvP and during raid hours our base can be damaged and guess who has to fix everything? Heh XD
LMAO this must be a universal PvP thing. I can hear our resident clan “base mom” shouting “don’t scuff the floors!” whenever short attention spans flare up and weapon training erupts inside the base.
For me it’s more like don’t be so jumpy. I’m always dodging out of the way after grabbing something.
Then you would have hated my old clan. we would set bombs off next to each other if we were in crafting bench menus lol.
Might lose my everlovingshit XD
Yeah that happens too…like why you rolling away bro
some time i punch my follower in stomach, like “yeah bro well done” but im trending to not do it anymore because they are very sensitive and bleed a lot even if they are in armor.