Elder in the Ark bugged after finding 5/5 secret items

Hello, im in the end of the game. Just before entering eden i wen’t to find last one of secret items, when i found them nothing happened after the info that i have 5/5.

So i thought maybe someone from the ark would tell me something extra, or have a new option.
Elder might be the solution but he’s bugged. He is not saing anything and there is no way to exit his screen besides alt+f4 to close the game.


Same thing happened to me. I want to know if there is anything else to this

Hi, it happened to me too.
The game freeze in the elder cabin when I find all the 5/5 secret objects.

Ciao, mi è successa la stessa cosa anche a me.
La schermata di gioco si blocca nella cabina dell’anziano (elder) quando trovo tutti e 5/5 gli oggetti nascosti.