Players tóxicos que abusam do glitch estão banindo players que estão jogando nas diretrizes das regras da Funcom e a Funcom não dá a mínima para isso pessoas que gastaram dinheiro para jogar estão desistindo deste jogo existe uma falha aí que estão abusando ou a Funcom da ban só porque denunciaram e não existe nenhuma investigação é lamentável esse tipo de jogo.
Hello and welcome to Conan Exile’s forums.
If you had suspended it means that there was investigation.
Several reports are needed for the administrators to intervene, if during their interventions, they find a violations of the rules, they act in accordance with the procedures.
To be banned, three suspensions must be accumulated (except in extreme cases such as cheating or harassment) .
I recognized without problem that the rules are not always very clear, they can unfortunately be subject to interpretation.
Moreover FunCom should clearly explain to the players that they make it.
It is true, however, that some abuses of the system and that Funcom is piercing by the abuse that some make, from the time or a report (justifying or not) is made, they investigate it, and if you had unable either can violate The rules are punished in accordance with the rules.