Europe servers full of russian hackers!

1st of all we are very low players and we are spread in many many servers that most of them are empty with 0 players. when you suddlenly find one decent server, all the players including me are very angry because we like this game but is imposible to play because of hackers and what does funcom do? nothing!!! wall hacks, speed hack, inifite resource hack, god mode, duping, and many that prob i dont know. We get our stuff stolen out of the raid time even if you have your CHESTS LOCKED!! put a report button ingame, close 2345923562 useless servers and make sure you ban the mtf hackers. Your game is basicly dead, try to do something to give it a few more years of life.

I understand you are angry but go easy with the tone mate. Funcom are doing what they can. Please report to Zendesk asap.

I agree about the tone but i disagree about second - funcom clearly does not put enough resources in to investigation the problem, there’s many simple solutions that could make official servers playable again.


Fair enough.

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im angry bc i play this game since it was realesed, im fed up of hackers breaking the game and yes it is russian guys stealing the vaults and wall hacking, most of the servers i have played EUROPE servers, 90% russian guys and the not russian guys, all of them where stolen like me. And not only happened in 1 server it happened in 213432 i’ve been !! Rusia is not Europe so Idk Why the ■■■ they are playing in europe servers when they should have their own region, EUASIA.

What is everyone with nations why title has RUSSIAN word in it, hackers also may be americans brazilians, chinese, germans…

come to official 6051 and see my friend

hackers are hackers without nation ! u did not get the idea i guess… this is problem worldwide but based on some griefers no need t use word that kinda make like all nation is blamed for some idiots…

Hackers are just sad little players that are unable to do anything fairly in game and maybe in life, it doesn’t matter what game you play you will always find that one player who exploits or uses outside progs.
Maybe try getting proof of these players and report it in the right way, funcom do look at reports and ban players