Failed to place building when built halfway across a cavern

The information you filled out should now be listed below. :point_down:
Please copy this info and paste it into a new report. Thank you!

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Welcome to the Forum. Unfortunately your information didn’t go through. We’re you trying to make a Zendesk report? @dragontamer2834

I’d assume they ran into a no build spot (either undermesh or too close to another player’s build)

I have the setting build anywhere on and im on a single player game

Greetings @dragontamer2834 and welcome to the forums!

Thank you for sharing this!

Can you, please, send us some screenshots where we can verify your current building, the location of your current building and where were you trying to continue this building on the map?

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It told me i cant uplode pictures because im a new user and it happens at any long cavern that you want to build a bridge across

You should now be able to upload screenshots.

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