Feedback & Suggestions

There are 5x T4 Jeronimo ONLY missions and all of them occupy the precious 1H slots. Once Jeronimo is 50, this effectively removes all of T4 from being used to level up agents. But, you say, there are other T4 missions (15m, 4H, & 8H)! This is the second problem with the agent missions and why char-only missions are bad.

The 1H missions are by far the most xp/time. You’re better off doing nothing and waiting with an empty slot for a 1H mission than doing a non-1H mission; ie. 1H xp > 4x 15m xp > 4H xp/4 > 8H xp/8.

So, I’d like three changes:

  1. Open all 5x Jeronimo-ONLY missions up to anyone, but perhaps only give “chain advance credit” when Jeronimo does them himself.
  2. Open all the Jeronimo-Prohibited missions (I know of 2 atm) to anyone, but again only advance the chain when someone else does them.
  3. Most importantly, balance the XP rewards for time and fatigue cost; ie. 4x 15m = 1H = 4H/4 = 8H/8. A 15m mission should not fatigue an agent as much as a 1H mission.

If you do #3, #1&2 are still a problem, but no longer the serious leveling impediment they are now.


While your suggestions appear nice, the following one won’t happen:

This just won’t happen because of the fact it’s just way easier to throw an 8h mission and be done, there will be no purpose in throwing 1h missions, especially since an 8h mission gives as many fatigue as a 1h mission. Chain throwing 1h missions require to be logged for quite long and/or frequent periods of time, that’s why they’re the most efficient. Someone who’s logged and chain throws 1h missions throughout the day should be indeed rewarded with more XP than someone that throws an 8h mission and just goes to work (but he also has to manage fatigue way more than someone throwing an 8h mission - part of the deal).

In a similar fashion, while chain throwing 15m missions also requires a lot of presence, even more frequently than throwing 1h missions, the issue is that 15m missions are mainly profitable for resource grinding (tier 1/2 → pure resource profits, tier 3+ for resource conversions), so i don’t see them also bringing XP/hour comparable to 1h missions. Also, if a 15m mission is proportionally profitable in terms of fatigue and XP compared to a 1h mission, than people would just empty all the 15m slots before going to higher durations, depending on their schedules etc… Now, the fatigue and the disproportionally distributed XP within multiple mission durations makes people actually willing to take decisions, and waiting on an empty slot for a 1h mission to spawn is probably part of the design.

That said, this is my personal analysis of the design, might obviously not be accurate. I’d probably agree to fatigue being a bit different for different mission durations though.

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Yeah, didn’t think it would, but it’s why the T4 lockout is such a kick in the nuts. The T4 Jeronimo-ONLY misions occupy the single best leveling slots in game by far. They regularly lock me out of that tier for an entire play session.

[Misc] Can we get a basket next to Deputy Andy that we can click on to deposit kitties in to make up for those kittens? Kitties for Andy rather than Bullets for Andy


I hope that includes the Character Bound Sanguine Kitty most of us already had from last year, forcing us to choose between not accepting Samhain gifts, giving up an inventory space, or deleting a cat. I don’t know how Andy would take care of all those cats with his busy schedule of standing on the roof, but maybe he could take the ones he can’t handle to Eleanor. The ghost cats in particular should do well there.

With the new agent mission line the first and second slot in tier 3/4 are becoming more and more crowded, making the life hard for people who still need the agents coming from missions in these slots or in return the right conquistador mission for progression. Dantes mission line already took overhand the same way with tier 1.
As such I think it is necessary to think about systems to lessens the frustration of not being able to get a mission for ages.
My suggestion would be to let players recycle missions, make it a mof/aurum or whatever prize. Letting us push a little for a chance of better missions would be great and probably would make more money out of the existing system.


Please, add an Imbuer that allows you to transfer your weapon xp to another weapon. I’d pay 3150 aurum for one. I’d prefer cheaper. 2500. 1500. Really, the cheaper the more I would buy to test out other weapons. This way, if… I wanna transfer a lvl 70 legendary weapon to another I could. It really takes a considerable amount of time to level up to 70… mistakes are made. Particularly, early on… thank you.

Another option, allow for an imbuer that changes a weapon suffix. Can I have a free one for giving ya thee idea? Thanks!

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Why do that when you can pay through the nose to relevel the item?

And the suffix swapper has been suggested multiple times.

Alternatively, maybe making weapons and talismans non-character bound would allow people to switch between them more easily (as they can be bought and sold, even at a high level). Would reduce the need to grind so much (though it would still need to be levelled by someone) and mean you aren’t quite so limited by the choices you make at the start.

It’d probably totally destabilise the currencies though so…maybe not :smiley:

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They could be account bound, letting…

Oh, right.

Bloody make the game several gigantic bits more alt-friendly already.

It’s mind-boggling how Funcom would forego the monetization potential of an account bank, or making the game alt-friendly enough people would actually buy character slots.

For ideas there, how about account bound lootbox keys (better designed games do that, really!), and account bound drops from agent boosters that give massively more incentive to just buy bulk and then redistribute drops as desired?

It really is the antithesis of competent marketing to have a system that will frustrate customers by getting the wrong drops on the wrong characters, because people will get the impression that frustration is the design intent.

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There is an issue with the Jeronimo mission line (having excessively longer refresh timers than other missions of same duration) that should also be fixed separately though. Some kind of manual mission refresh is a good idea as long as it’s not simply a band-aid for the Jeronimo issue.

SWTOR’s Legacy system would be a good example of making a game more alt-friendly. They could include family trees for RP’ers maybe, or at the very least the ability to pay to unlock bonuses - could have faction-specific gadgets or abilities to unlock in SWL maybe that can be used on alts too. A great money/MoF sink.

(Museum of the Occult)
I would welcome possibility to access bank from the museum, so people don’t have to run between Agartha and Museum to upgrade centerpieces.


1: Been asking for this for a while.

2: Be Red Faction (best faction). Its a short run to Temple Hall and see the banker.

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I can’t find a quote now but I remember Andy saying on Discord that they like the idea and they are considering doing it. But I guess it’s not priority and may come with next museum upgrade, for example, like new wings, who knows when. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Can confirm! :point_up:

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Suggestion: do something about the launcher taking so long to start up. It’s incredibly annoying having to watch it do the RDB hashes every time, especially when the game crashes so often. I put it to you that you don’t need to verify the integrity of the game files every single launch, particularly if said integrity was only just verified thirty seconds ago because the game crashed at character select. :v:

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[misc] Some merchandise please? I specifically think about tees and PV figurines. :bowing_woman:

My wife and I have played The Secret World from day one and Secret World Legends from day one as well. At first we did not like the idea of starting all over again. We did, however, enjoy revisiting all of the old content. I’m not sure if all of these ideas have come up before, I have seen a few of them, but here goes.

  1. I would like to see a reason to go back to these locations as elite locations like the dungeons. I think a lot of players would be happy playing old content at a higher level of difficulty and reward. New missions could be added to these zones as well.
  2. Apartments or housing of some kind would be nice. The museum is fun but a spot to decorate with furniture and pictures etc. helps with immersion. A lot of FTP games use decor as rewards and cash shop items.
  3. Some variation of synergy between weapons. Blood used to enchant a weapon attacks to drain life or Elemental to add fire or electric to weapon damage. Ice could add slow or freeze effect. Add an advantage to every weapon combo to promote using more then one weapon. Even a combo tree would be nice as an AP sink.
  4. I know a lot of players, including myself, miss Fusang Projects and other pvp content. I would like to see all of the pvp zones come back.
  5. New Orleans area would make a fun new zone.

!3th Nov 2018

[Achievements] Please allow players to do the achievement ‘Prestigous Benefactor’ in the Museum of the Occult ’ (Achievment is unn the sub heading ‘wings’) by providing an way for us to obtain the item ‘Tank Commander BLade’ which is needed upgrade the centrepiece ‘Orochi Tank’.

If you cannot provide any better way to obtain it - why not give your GMS a way to provide this missing item (Qty 2 needed) to players who submit a peition? at the moment , raising a petition is waste of player and GM time as they can only provide a ‘sorry nothing we can do’ response.

I’d appreciate a fix to and bet other players would. The museum is considerable time effort and this is blocking the capstone Achievment. Can you please do anything to help?


We really need to not lose all our progress in Dark Agartha when the server crashes/disconnects. I’ve lost both my free try and a second try to being disconnected from the server. I’m really unhappy with this now.