First time summoning a God at al-Merayah šŸ˜¼

Being a PvE player didnā€™t give me many opportunities to summon a God and have fun with it.
Now that we have al-Merayah to siege, I finally witnessed a God attacking a building.
It was a lot of fun, thanks to @stelagel and @LostBrythunian :smile_cat:. Being able to run around the fortress, all doors opened, no furniture around and a lot of corpses, that was fun!
I feel bad I missed the times when Gods would actually bring walls down, though. Walls only took around 20K damage.

You can take a peek around 1:07:54:

Anyone got the opportunity to destroy al-Merayah with the help of a God?


It was freaking amazing, we had a blast. The fact that we were going to do this on official server and LatAm scared me a bit. I am lagging a lot in distant servers and the rumors that gods create huge lags was the reasons for being scared. But it was
I still cannot understand how Azmadi went lvl 20 in Kurak dungeon. I tried to replicate it on single player and it didnā€™t work :rofl:. But itā€™s more than welcome that it happened, isnā€™t it :smiley:?
Next time Mitra, he walks and itā€™s freaking awesome to marge with a god on your back :laughing:.
I had a blast guys, thanks a million :metal:.


This one is an enabler.
Itā€™s like a super helper.


Hear this one outā€¦
Can a single clan have two avatars summoned at once?
Can we have Mitra and Ymir stomp on the Stygian fort at the same time, like undisciplined children lumbering thru sand castles on the beach?


I am on Symi today
Symi Symi - Google Search
I will be back tonight however so i will jump in @Wonka server to start farming zeals, letā€™s do it m8 :partying_face:.


That island looks gorgeous :star_struck:!
Letā€™s do it! Remember there is a chest filled with religious items to upgrade altar @LostBrythunian @stelagel :smile_cat:.


Hold onā€¦ are all of us on the same server and i missed that?
ā€¦ and did i miss the fun?! :sob::rofl:


No, @Wonka plays in LatAm server, i can send you details later, of course youā€™re invited there too :smiley:.


This one gets off work very late tonight and tomorrow (0900-2200 and 0900-2000 respectively). But should have Thursday or Friday evening and can block of Saturday during the (relative) morning


No. Or at least it used to be that way on pvp. I believe only 1 god can be summoned on entire server at once. But havent tested that in a while.


seens it has no effect on the building pieces, it would be cool to ground down this fortress.

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It looks like we will be able to put that to the test soon and report back findings to see if it has changed.

Gratitude for the information to adjust expectations.
Do you know how it used to work?
Did s new avatar despawn the old one (ouch, makes them even more useless after the long nerf) or did having one in play block all others from coming forth?


No. It just gave a message when trying to summon. On SP you could (been a while though) spawn in 2 and Gods would instantky kill the other if they hit an attack on it.


Avatars (even Conan tells you they are not Gods, a number of times) are mostly cosmetic disguises for powers you can deploy by other means.

Given the whole tech tree to get a avatar going, it is much easier to bomb the place and with the added benefit that you can ā€œcontrol the demolitionā€.

True, but if you want to nuke thier loot, Gods masacre chests and guards.


In this case, the style is the substance.
The goal is not victory. This battle is easy as is, victory is already assured. With a team of 3 capable players, kicking in the front door is easy enough.
No, the goal is a spectacle.


And fun!!! Who cares for gold or whatever else? When people play together this game the fun is guaranteed!
Itā€™s nice that devs fixed something in pve that gives goal to people to play together!
Letā€™s be honest, although i donā€™t agree with this thrall downhill, they were right. Now a player can do everything alone with battle skills and cunning, but when many gather, not only itā€™s easier but itā€™s very entertaining too. I was playing in pvp servers to find people crazy enough to company me in dungeons, people didnā€™t do dungeons without thralls back then. Not only because thralls were really op but our characters were way weaker too.
Now itā€™s better, i donā€™t have to constantly apologize for accidentally hitting my teammate, itā€™s pve we cannot hurt each other and itā€™s awesome :laughing:.
@Cannipals i played on your server today a bit, @LostBrythunian fixed a humble home for us, so i could travel around the map with my camels.

Are you ready for fun?


Be prepared to have a bunch of angry, homeless Stygians to show up at your base. They really donā€™t like being attacked by gods.


Let them come, weā€™ll welcome them properly :laughing:!


The camels smell funky, but the snakes kept attacking them, they needed a safe enclosure.
And the local watering hole is natural habitat for alligators whom we should not disturb unless sustainably hunting, so we needed a well.
And have you worked in a tannery? It absolutely reeks. No, thatā€™s going outside.
Then this one got sick of having to run to Al Merayah to engage in aggressive merchantilism when one needed medicine. Stygian health insurance seems about as good as 'Murikan, because not all soldiers carry medicine or bandaids.
Also, there is a nice view, so why not have an elevated viewing spot.

Itā€™s a work in progress and we must discuss final base plans, whether we want a villa or a fortress or a legally distinct from a village compound or just a tower.

But that is for later, for now this one just needed a spot to store harvested dragon parts until this one levels up enough to make dragon gear.

Oh, this one hired us a couple of entertainers. Do you want one for your chambers?

Do you know how to make a kiln?
This one hasnā€™t gotten that esoteric knowledge yet.

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